Posts in Blogs
Reiki and Healing The Inner Child

“Open your heart
Listen to what it is telling you,
Follow your dreams…”
~ Paulo Coehlo

Reiki and Inner Child Healing offer a powerful combination for addressing emotional wounds and fostering self-love. By tapping into the universal life energy of Reiki, individuals can access a deep sense of calm and clarity, creating space to reconnect with and nurture their inner child. This transformative practice helps release past traumas, heal emotional patterns, and restore a sense of wholeness and inner peace.

Our Soul is always calling to us, but so much happens in our lives to take us away from our True Self, from our original Blueprint. 

Who Is Your Inner Child?

“Each one of us has an “inner child” living inside”
~ Esther Goldstein

You have an Inner Child. I have an Inner Child. We all do. Your “inner child” is a part of your subconscious that has been picking up messages way before it was able to fully process what was going on (mentally and emotionally). It holds emotions, memories and beliefs from the past as well as hopes and dreams for the future.

Coming Home:

Sometimes our Inner Child becomes harmed as the result of generational patterning. Sometimes it’s karmic fall out. Sometimes it’s viral imprinting. Most often it’s the emotional experiences we pass through, especially during childhood, Often it’s a combination of all of these.

And then slowly, little by little, we begin to close down, to lose our way, to lose our trust in ourselves and in life. We may rush around in a constant state of distraction and busyness. We may separate. We may disconnect. We may develop addictive behaviours.

All of these are barriers we place around ourselves, protecting our hearts from further hurts and harm.

And we may lose our ability to dream, to create and to play…

When this happens, we lose touch with the magic of life.

We forget the Songs of our Heart and Soul, all the innate potential with which we were born…

To read more: Reiki and Healing The Inner Child

The Grief Window: Letting Go Into The Circle of Life

“As we let go of grief, we create more space for love…” 

For many, stepping into the New Year feels fresh and new, fuelled by a powerful momentum towards the beginning of the new. However, for some, the festive season brings an accumulation of unfulfilled and unrealistic expectations. Families coming together often triggers deep seated emotions and unresolved issues. For many this can be a challenging time.

Before fresh new beginnings can happen, the old needs to be released to create spaciousness. Between the ending and the beginning lies a powerful transition time. It is in the transition time that deep seated release and healing can happen with just the right amount of gentle support.

These are everywhere all around us, in our bodies, our lives and in the natural world. . I am getting ready to move house, to make a leave-taking. This house has been my haven for three years. So much life and healing has happened here. So many departures and arrivals. I have let go of old dreams and wishes. I have healed much of my personal griefs here. In the space of healed loss, I have welcomed in much love, friendship and self-growth. I have supported so many of my own clients through the process of grieving and loss…

A new life now beckons. A new adventure. A new love. New dreams call to be fulfilled. At the same time, I recognise the sadness inherent in leaving behind a place I feel a deep connection to. These feelings are soft now, like misty mornings. The blackbird in my garden is singing his usual sweet song, reminding me that, although still deep in winter, spring will follow on in the natural rhythm of the cycles of the year.

Grief is also part of the cycle of change: a natural human response to loss. We may have an unconscious attachment to grief itself, believing that to let go of grief is to let go of that which matters to us. As we are asked to surrender to the passing of someone or something we hold dear, sadness is inevitable. But when old griefs are unresolved, fresh raw grief can act as a trigger to all the unresolved griefs of a lifetime. Sometimes this can touch generational and karmic grief.


This is sometimes called The Grief Window. When we welcome it, rather than seeking to deny it, it can become a place of opportunity. It contains a vulnerability from which we may heal, transform and grow. This can require courage, but to ignore it is to risk more suffering. When we continue to hold onto the patterns of the past because they have become familiar to us, we simply create more pain by our resistance.

Often The Grief Window is created from all that we did not receive as a child, from the potentials that we feel we have lost, as well as from actual losses in our lives. Within many people lies a hurt grieving child who may have felt abandoned, neglected, rejected, abused, shamed, punished unworthy, unwelcome, unsafe and unloved. Often this grief lies buried beneath anger. A Grief Window may have opened within you, the loss of a lifetime may be with you. Begin to simply acknowledge the feelings and let them go softly, gently. They will release and flow into ease over time. Moving through grief is a process: denial, anger, grief, bargaining, acceptance and self-forgiveness.

When we are locked into grief, we remove ourselves from the flow of life. Our world grows smaller. Our hearts shrink in self-protection. Ultimately, suppressed grief can cause dis-ease in the body, particularly the lungs. The grieved one would never have wished that for us.

Gently close your eyes. Feel yourself connect with the ground beneath you. Let your breath begin to deepen and slow. Imagine yourself surrounded by soft blue light. Gently begin to breathe in this calming blue light. With each breath, breathe out any sadness, grief or heartache. Breathe in love and let it soothe you, bringing a sense of peacefulness and release.

Let yourself grieve for that Hurt Child within you, knowing they are now being held safe in your adult consciousness.

As you breathe, begin to create spaciousness as your chest gradually opens. Into spaciousness can step love and inspiration.

Into that spaciousness allow something new to form. New ideas. Fresh ways of thinking. A shift in perspective on your loss… As we let go of grief, we do not lose that person, but enable a greater purity of love. Love is infinite and eternal. We are the vessels through whom it flows. When we are locked into grief, the flow ceases. Our world grows smaller. Our hearts shrink in self-protection.

Come back to your breath any time your feelings become a little too much. Come back into the soft gentle blue light, watch as white clouds move, change shape, disperse.

Breathe in compassionate tenderness for yourself.

Breathe out any pain or loss or anger into the calm, quiet, gentle blueness of light.

Continue to breath gently for a few more minutes. Then become aware of your body and your connection to the ground below you. Open your eyes and come back to the room.

To move through loss, begin to recognise that you are creating space for something better. Trust you can flow forward, that life will support you. If you are grieving lost love and connection to others, gently remind yourself that anything and anyone we have loved will always be part of you.

In moving through grief, you hold life less tightly. You reclaim your ability to live lightly. Then you will naturally breathe more deeply. As you move through grief, you create space for more love.

To receive the Breath of Life Healing Journey Meditation to download and listen to, click on the link below:


Or if you would like to be supported through the process of grieving, contact Elizabeth for a free 20 minute Discovery Call:

Special Gifts For Loved Ones

treat your loved ones to an extra special gift to honour their Being


Gift Vouchers are available for all Reiki Treatments, Inner Child Sacred Art Workshops, Honour Being Mandalas, Sacred Path Wisdom Readings and Moon Magic Medicine Bundles.

Enjoy choosing from the wonderful array of Honour Being Offerings laid out below.

NB: All offerings are available via Remote as well as In Person.


Gift a single Treatment or a very special present of a whole cycle of Reiki.

Choose from:

1. Release & Replenish (soothes trouble emotions)
2. Crystal Reiki (deeply harmonising)
3. Elemental Shamanic Reiki (re-balance your whole Being)
4. Golden Ray Reiki (karmic healing and creativity)
5. Angel Fire Reiki (shifts generational patterns)


Stand alone Courses, also open to those not yet receiving Golden Way Reiki.

Choose from:

1. Reawaken Creativity and Joy (half day)

2. Re-discovering Your Song

3. Time To Shine!

4. Grief, Gratitude and Grace

5. Cocooning (A Metamorphic Soul Journey)


Open a window to thinking about new possibilities.

Choose from:


Soaring Eagle ~
Recognise your heart’s desire and be aware of opportunities

Pathfinder ~ Sheds a new light on any confusion, fear, doubt and uncertainty

Dream Weaver ~ See below the conscious level of awareness and allow dream images to surface

Vision Maker ~ Be shown how to take steps to making a personal vision become a reality

”The reading picked up uncannily on where I was at, giving me a number of insights into how to reframe how I’ve been looking at things to enable me to move forward with positivity and hope.”

(Heidi K, Sept 2024 ~ Cotswolds)


The Peace Tree Spread ~ For when you feel at odds with your environment or aspects of the Self

The Sacred Mountain Spread ~ the place of inner knowing and proper perspective when temporarily lost

The Corn Stalk Spread ~ A way to receive the beauty in life which feeds the body, mind, heart, emotions and spirit in our daily lives


🌟The Gold Star Tipi Spread ~ an overall view of the life lessons you have created and reveals the future impact of how you are handling those lessons. Clarifies your position.


The Mandalas are printed to order on to high quality canvas and individually hand finished by me with touches of gold, silver or copper. Sent wrapped and with matching gift card.

For larger sizes, please email me for details.



In the New Year of 2025, the Ceremonies will be re-born in a new fresh way. They will be offered via a 3 monthly Subscription brimful with very special new offerings.

1. Moon Magic Medicine Bundle (New) ~ £99
Online Ceremony, Meditation of the Month to download and keep, PDF of the Wisdom Teachings of the Month for you to inwardly digest.

2. Moon Magic Medicine Bundle (Full) ~ £170
Includes: All of the above plus a three bottle set of Honour Being Flower and Tree Energy Essences, one for each month and my Summer Sweetheart Energy Essence. (NB: Postage included for UK only)

The individual price of each Energy Essence is £30 (Rose Essence is £50), so this is amazing value.

More news to come with details and date of the first
Honour New Moon Magic Medicine Ceremony

When you purchase Gift Vouchers


A beautifully illustrated PDF, full of invaluable information gathered over the past three years of honouring Grandmother Moon.

Also sent to you to download when you sign up for a three month Subscription to the Moon Magic Medicine Bundle

For all enquiries please contact me below and I will be honoured to assist.

With much kindness and love
Elizabeth xx

7 Vital Steps To Generate Self-Worth: A Reiki Perspective
The greatest love of all is easy to achieve…
Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.
— Whitney Houston

You arrived in this world with the expectation that you would be loved. You were programmed to love in return. So, what went wrong…?

There are many phrases and “buzzwords” being thrown around on social media. Loving yourself is one of those phrases. Toxic thinking is another.

But just how do you love yourself in a healthy manner?

How do you shift toxic mindsets?

And what is the connection between the two?

The key is to understand the causes. Then you can begin to experience what it feels like to nurture yourself. You can find emotional release and well-being in balance with mental well-being (no, they are not the same!) You can experience growing self-worth, self-esteem, and self-belief. As these vital affirmations of self are put into place, letting go of any toxicity in your life becomes easy. You find a place of ease with yourself. As you truly begin to love yourself, the beauty within you shines outward into the world.

You are a complex being, being comprised of the physical, emotional, energetic, psychological and the spiritual. Any aspect can go out of balance because of the emotional wounds and hurts you may have passed through in childhood. This is well-recognised and documented (The Effect of Childhood Trauma on Adult Attachment Styles). 

The patterns of childhood then repeat throughout your life interwoven with generational patterning, unless there is a healing intervention. The most destructive effect of emotional trauma is damage to self-worth, upon which toxic self-beliefs are based. Life can then rise to meet those expectations and to confirm them, trapping you in a negative spiral of repetition. Healthy self-worth is linked to higher levels of happiness and lower levels of stress.

The following 7 vital steps are offered as a way to break out of this self-defeating pattern of lack of self-worth and toxic thinking by increasing your self-awareness.

Read the full Article here…

Re-balance Your Life ~ 10 Keys to Wellbeing and Happiness

You are intended to live a bright, beautiful life in balance with the world around you.

Take a moment to reflect:

What does being in or out of balance mean to you?

What might it mean to live in balance with the world around you?

Golden Way Reiki offers a way of gentle re-balancing throughout your entire system, but works best in harmony with other key factors.

Always taking a balanced approach to her work with her clients, I offer these 10 Keys to Wellbeing and Happiness for your consideration. (Read the full Article here.)

Sacred Mandala Making and Ceramics Workshop


SUNDAY, 7th JULY 2024 (1.30 ~ 5.00 PM)


A Collaboration between Elizabeth of Honour Being and Sarah Glazier-Hart of Wildlings Studio

Come along and spend some special tranquil creative “you” time, gently guided by Elizabeth and Sarah.

  • Learn about Sacred Geometry

  • Explore sacred Mandala Making

  • Spend time in nature

  • Increase your understanding of the healing gifts of plants

  • Follow along with a gentle healing guided meditation

  • Have hands on time creating your own Mandala

  • Have your Mandala imprinted onto a beautiful ceramic plate, which will be fired for you to take home with you ~ your permanent gift of the day.

The center of the mandala is where all our stories are gradually extinguished, and where, in the immediacy of the moment, all feelings can be held and experienced in their purity. In this experience, we grow in spaciousness.

Reiki Exploration Sundays
Introduction to Reiki Wiltshire

Reiki Exploration SUNDAYS at honour being IN CALNE

NEXT DATES: TBA (2.00 ~ 5.00 PM)


Heard about Reiki, but not sure what it is or how it can help you?

Curious to discover what if feels like to receive Reiki?

Are you drawn to working with me, but would like to find out more before committing to a full Cycle of Reiki?

I love to invite, inspire and nurture the inner light of others, so I offer these informal, experiential events.



Grounding Tree Meditation

A brief introduction to Golden Way Reiki

Opening in Tranquillity Healing Journey Guided Meditations


Short Sitting Reiki Treatments (Optional ~ privately in Healing Room)

Q and A




£35 (Without Reiki Treatment)
£45 (With Reiki Treatment)


Honour Being, Calne, Wiltshire

Not only was it incredibly relaxing but it felt like every cell of me was being nourished. For anyone who is considering taking up this treatment I can’t recommend it more. Thank you Elizabeth.
— Laila L ~ Cheltenham
Reiki Healing Room, Devizes

Elizabeth Chanter is an experienced Shamanically trained Reiki Master in The Golden Reiki Way and Classical Homeopath. She offers Reiki Treatments and Attunement & Training, and Homeopathic Consultations at her Honour Being Healing Practice in Calne, in Wiltshire, near Avebury.

She also conducts regular New and Full Moon Meditation & Healing Ceremonies from the Wildling Studio in Charlcutt.

10 Keys To Wellbeing

What does being in balance mean to you?

I’ve been doing some research on how people bring themselves back to health from serious illness. According to my research, there are 10 Keys common to recovery and wellbeing in the amazing stories I’ve read. These Keys (in no particular order) are:

Connection to spirit
Listening to your intutition
Strong reasons for living
A strong social network (includes pets)
Increasing positive emotion
Taking control of your health
Releasing emotional feelings and distress
Herbs and supplementation
Healthy diet and nutrition

How many of these Keys have a in place in your life? The tendency is to focus on some and not others. When I look at them, I can see clearly which ones have a strong place in my life ~ and which ones I definitely need to bring in to create a truly healthy balance.

Can you identify how each one connects to a different element of your Being: Spirit, Mind, Energy, Emotion and Body?

We can wait until we have developed an illness to bring these Keys into our lives ~ or, more wisely, we can ensure that they are in place, decreasing the likelihood of illness… and the research also shows that having this balance can even outweigh and change DNA… How about that?

For example, some people have a strong natural connection to spirit, and pay less attention to the needs of the physical body through healthy diet and exercise. Some focus everything on physical wellbeing, and pay no attention to finding stillness or connecting to spirit. Some have a very strong social network of family and friends, and yet still store all the hurtful emotional experiences up inside them.

So, to counteract my innate tendency towards the serious (!), I’m making it a goal to bring more joyful, playful times into my life. And because I’m single and still relatively new to where I live, I’m increasing my social network through joining a wonderful Yoga community, growing my circle of soul sisters ~ and planning to buy a puppy for companionship, joy and all that unconditional loving :-)

Which Keys are the ones missing in your life?

Which Keys would help to bring you more into balance?

How might you do that?

In coming Blogs, I’m going to focus on each Key in turn, looking at how it helps to generate balance, and suggesting a few simple steps to bring it into your life ~ besides working through Reiki!


”Reiki is not a quick fix to an ache or pain, but it is an investment in you. It heals you from inside. I have absolute trust ... Reiki and Elizabeth’s help me feel more balanced.”
— Teresa H (Oxon, 2016

Reiki and Emotional Release

“Whatever exists outwardly must first exist inwardly…”

Emotional release begins from within...

The emotional woundings and hurts from our lives build up seemingly little by little.

And little by little they compress into our being, held within the fluids and interconnective tissues of our body.

Then little by little our physical bodies begin to speak to us by sending out their own messages of pain.

We ignore these messages at our peril.

BUT some of us are very very good at ignoring these messages.

Sometimes our bodies have to shout very loudly, sometimes they have to scream, sometimes they have to REFUSE to move any more.

Until we begin to pay attention.

Until we find the right way, the right person, the right healing art for us to enable the release ~ safely, slowly, gently... knowing we are held... knowing that the emotional release need not be unbearably painful, but can dissolve and let go just as the body lets go, little by little...

And then, instead of feeling frustration with the body which will no longer do what we WANT, we can learn to feel GRATITUDE to the body that has served us so well and sent us the messages we need to hear...

And then we can begin to MOVE once more in GRACE and FREEDOM...

To find out how Reiki can assist with emotional release and healing, click on the button below.


“Reiki is not a quick fix to an ache or pain, but it is an investment in you. It heals you from inside. … they will be released because you are ready.”
(Teresa H ~ Oxon, 2016)

Making An Investment In You

This is about so much more than money.

The achievement of true wellbeing, happiness and harmony involves a willingness to invest in yourself through your own dedication, patience, courage and receptivity.

And I invest much seen and unseen time and energy in the work that I do for each of my clients. However, it’s a partnership. It’s very simple: the more you are dedicated to doing the work, the greater the returns you will see in your life. 

I love the work I do, and witnessing the way the people I work with resolve issues in their lives and blossom and bloom, each in their own very individual way.

To find out more about the value of walking The Golden Reiki Way:

The Golden Reiki Way Calne Wiltshire


“Elizabeth has empowered me to make the changes I needed to in order to heal and I will always be grateful to her.”
(Rachel C ~ Embrun, Ontario 2014)


Discover Your Truth

You may arrive with many questions, looking for answers…

Who am I?
What do I long for?
Where do I belong?
How do I truly feel and how can I feel better?
When did matters go wrong?

I do not interpret on your behalf. Instead I encourage you to trust the wisdom that resides within you and to know and live your own truth.

I help you to find your answers through listening and asking you questions… Then I deliver the healing, revealing, compassionate energy of Golden Way Reiki which shows you the way and brings answers.

Whether you visit for an occasional series of Treatments, or decide to walk with me regularly along The Golden Reiki Way for many years, our time together is always dedicated to revealing the beauty of your Inner Being and to bringing forth the gifts that lie inside you, perhaps unrealised all your life.

This enables you to live a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life, and to evolve and grow into the person you were always meant to be in your way.

Reiki Healing Space Devizes Wiltshire


“During my Reiki session with Elizabeth I felt that I had my questions answered. It was a special treat being in her healing environment.”
(Viktoria K ~ Oxon 2015)


Our Life As A Journey

“Life challenges us, and through challenge we grow.
Sometimes what makes the difference is having a hand to hold along the way
at the time you need it most, until you are once again able to
walk in your beauty, strength and truth unaided, ready to offer the same to another…”

I believe our whole life is a journey - a journey during which many things happen to us - some are wonderful and amazing, and others create challenges and difficult times. I view these challenges as opportunities to grow, to evolve - however, it is easier when we have the right people alongside us to assist us on our journey.

As I walk alongside and work with my clients, we take many different kinds of journeys.

As we work together, I witness people begin to understand and re-discover the deeper meaning of what to is to become truly well. As part of this transformation, gifts and potential are often revealed within them, and dreams are realised, sometimes more than they could possibly have imagined.

Many of my clients have suffered from abuse and/or addiction. I enable them to leave behind years of hurt and pain, through the gentle healing power of listening and touch, and by offering a supportive, steady and progressive way forward.

In addition to offering Golden Way Reiki Healing, it is my way to take my personal experiences, to grow through them - and then to offer what I have learned to help others as best I may, sometimes with very practical suggestions! If something has worked for me, then it may well work for you too…

What I recognise is that we are all somewhere on our journey, including me, we are all “Unfinished Songs”…

The Reiki Journey


“Over the last few years I have experienced the benefits which Reiki does deliver - especially removing any negativity and resetting your point of view.”
Peter Brown ~ Cheltenham, Jan 2022


Choosing To Heal
Healing Calendula Flowers


By weaving together the beautiful and gentle Treatments of Reiki, Crystal Reiki Healing, Golden Energy Healing, Shamanic Healing, Soul Retrieval, Attunement & Training ~ and much more… Plus “choosing to heal…”


Whatever the reason you are seeking help, what unites those who work with me most successfully is a willingness and understanding that healing begins when we choose to heal.

Choice is an action of the will, ie will I do this? Or will I not do that?

And the liver is the seat of the will ~ not the mind!

Our mind can inform our decisions. The greater our awareness and mindfulness, the wiser the decisions we make. You might like to think of your calm mind and your creative fiery place of the will as being in partnership.

A strong will might force matters through, but not necessarily with wisdom.

An uncertain mind might sometimes benefit from a little gut instinct!

It’s all a balance…

And if you are always challenged by your indecisions, always sitting on the fence, in the end life can just walk on by.

Remember, the power of choice lies in your hands, and in fact you are making choices unconsciously all of the time. Not making a decision is still making a decision, it’s just a form of abdication. There will be an outcome regardless, and it may not be to your liking.

Decisions are often influenced by the “what if” catastrophe scenario ~ they may be too influenced by fear.

However, “what if” the outcome is just amazing!!? Beyond your wildest, most wonderful dreams?

Once you have made your decision to heal, Reiki simply becomes the catalyst. True healing can only ever begin with change from within ~ and this is where and how Reiki does its healing.

Nothing is a “magic wand”, although the outcomes can often feel magical…

Are you ready to choose to heal, to reinvest in yourself and rediscover your wellbeing, and to begin a journey of a very special kind?

It’s true, choosing to heal can take courage, but we are all far more courageous, gifted and prescious than we realise… and when we have someone to walk alongside us as needed, suddenly so much more becomes possible than we might have ever believed alone…

If you would like a little assistance in deciding how to choose the best Reiki Treatments for you, then do get in touch…

And then we can celebrate every single victory no matter how large or small following all the choices you make!

Elizabeth has a deep understanding of the human condition and an intimate knowledge of Reiki as a means for completeness. A truly wonderful Reiki Master, teacher and human!”
(Alex Chapman ~ Gloucester, January 2022)

A Balanced Approach to Healing and to Life
Work Life Balance

Can you sense the uplift and movement that comes from moving out of the inner, introspective energies at the end of Winter as we transition into the outward moving, fresh, budding ones of early Spring?

These changeable days of sunshine and showers are heralding seasonal transition and giving rise to some beautiful rainbows!

How do you maintain your balance whilst shifting through the transitions of life?
Much is written about “work/life” balance, but what does it mean to take a balanced approached to wellbeing and health?

Here at Honour Being, I recognise that we have many different aspects to our being ~ and there are complex reasons that we become out of balance.

We are not simply body, mind and spirit ~ we are also energetic and emotional beings. And each aspect may move out of balance. Each aspect has its own specific issues, and yet is interconnected within us as a whole and complete being.

And we are also subject to many influences around and outside us.

So how do we take a balanced approach to life and healing, when there are just so many different choices available to us?

We can choose to work with many different therapists/healers in order to find restoration ~ and sometimes we need to do a specific “deeper dive”.

Often we may be drawn to see health as solely located in one aspect of our being, for example physical health may seen as the predominant factor, or mental health may become the sole focus.

This is unbalanced and ultimately will lead to greater imbalance.

Our body is truly our personal temple, and nurturing and caring for our body is essential. It is our “earth suit” and we are only gifted one of those in each lifetime.

However, it is also a vessel for Spirit to inhabit, and is the container of all of our thoughts, emotions and energy. Our emotional experiences and wounds ultimately give rise to physical pain and illness, if left unaddressed, and affect the way we view the world.

The way we view the world, then influences our expectations, and life responds by meeting those expectations. This is the reason I begin by offering healing to the emotional hurts. Perceptions and expectations organically begin to shift and change.

Experiences become more positive and life-affirming, creating more positive thought processes. Neural pathways begin to change, transforming self-limiting beliefs.

This is not short term, “quick fix” work, but requires dedication and determination from both myself and each person I work with.

Through subtle and very specific Reiki training, I am able to work with each and every aspect of your being in a manner which gently returns you to balance and alignment.

We begin by gently asking what happened to make it so?

And how come the balance has been lost?

And then the intelligence of Reiki moves to where the healing is needed.

Returning you to balance.

One step at a time.

I came to her a wreck of a man, physically and mentally. Elizabeth put me gently but firmly back on the path to self-healing with enormous compassion and deftness of her art. “
(Alex C ~ Gloucester, January 2022)

To find out more contact me for a free 20 minute consultation.

Or visit my website for more info

Honour Feminine Creative Energy

When we step into our feminine creative energy, we step in to the flow of life.

We simply allow.

By being all that we are ready are, we attract all that we need.

If we believe we are insufficient, life reflects that back to us in response.

As human beings, we are affected by experiences which cause us to lose trust and confidence.

Trust may be healed.

Courage may be restored.

Know that you are always enough, and far more than enough.

A rose does not require external instructions on how to unfold and flower.

A baby within the womb follows the same pattern of unfolding. The conscious mind of the mother does not issues instructions on when and how to develop on into the next stage.

A butterfly simply moves through the stages already inherent within the egg.

These are all profound examples of creativity in action through simply being

The only driver is nature itself.

You are a co-creator already.

Let life and abundance find you.

Simply be…


“Elizabeth worked with me on a cycle of four Reiki Treatments and what came about changed my perception of myself, my achievements as a mother and how to take care of myself. I feel in touch with my feminine side in a way I never have before.”
(Maggie Russell ~ Calne, January 2022)


"The spirit intervenes, changing our dance with destiny, delicately urging the heart to open and serve."⁠

(Berta Broken Bow)⁠

Retaining optimism and hope for a better and brighter future is not so easy on the dark days and yet the sun returns to shine and the sky to blue ~ and babies continue to be born, symbols of life calling to itself, special gifted souls needed for the times ahead of us.

Amidst everything around us, we have our own individual challenges to grow through ~ and the way forward can feel unclear in this new world. We are in a transitional time, and a time which may be full of growth. Awakening on a world wide scale is necessary. It is time to let go of what serves neither us nor our planet, and to find a better way for All. However, awakening begins inside each individual being…


Finding a different way requires the asking of new questions ~ it is the only way to discover new answers. In order to do that, sometimes we need to pay attention to what is hidden, to the unexpected. This may call upon a change in perspective, a recognition of what the challenges are, new learnings ~ and also the gifts offered.

  • ☀️The Awakening Path in Shamanic teachings lies in the East.

  • ☀️It is the place of the dawn, new beginnings, clarity and illumination.⁠

  • ☀️The first of the seven paths of initiation, the first spoke of the Wheel of Life.⁠

  • ☀️Everytime we have a "ah hah" moment, we are standing in this place.⁠

  • ☀️Life sometimes gives us a wake up call ~ it may be an illness, it may be a lost job, it may be a broken relationship ~ or simply the sense that there has to be more to life than the material, physical humdrum world...⁠

  • ☀️We can choose to walk through that door or opportunity or deny the lessons and challenges. However the wake up call will get louder and louder, our own spirit wishing to be heard... and we can continue to deny to our own cost...⁠

  • ☀️The good news? This is also the pathway offering courage... 💛⁠

☀️Perhaps, a question you might like to ask yourself is, “What might awakening mean to me…?” and, if so “Am I ready?”

☀️If you are ready, and would like to walk the Awakening Path with me, then please do get in touch ~ I would love to walk beside you on your new adventure…

My Journey with Elizabeth:

“I was at a place in my life where I was ready to give up 8 years of medication (anti depressants), lead my own life and be in control of myself.  Elizabeth created a safe, secure environment in which I was able to bring my ‘baggage’ and leave it behind.  I was empowered and encouraged by the inexplicable force that Elizabeth shared with me through Reiki. I was held safe in her room, felt secure and had total trust in her method of practice.  Elizabeth allowed me to leave the past in the past, to make peace with my present and to appreciate my future. My journey is ongoing but I have come off the meds successfully and I am so grateful to Elizabeth for her patience and support."
(Ane G - Witney, 2014)

(Free 20 minute phone Consultation)

Honouring Change
Yorkshire Autumn Trees

“Is it time to make peace with change rather than being afraid of impemanence? After all change is the very stuff of life itself, and through change we have the opportunity to grow. Perhaps it is better to hold lightly, rather than tightly...”

The year is turning again, with Samhain just days away, and the trees once more coloured brilliantly in their Autumn robes, ready to let go and move towards rest. It's a good time for us also to take stock, to review what has worked for us despite the tough challenges of 2020, and to let go of anything or anyone that isn't serving us. This may include beliefs or attitudes, about ourselves, about others and about our responsibility to take care of Mother Earth and all life.

There is much discussion of uncertainty and risk, and yet perhaps one of the biggest lessons we can learn in life is to make peace with "uncertainty". It is often quoted that there are only two certainties in life: that we are born and we will die - and yet life, the connecting thread between, is the journey itself with all its joys and tears. The journey we travel is as much about how we respond and the choices we make as what happens along the way.

Rainbow Autumn Leaves

I take issue with this conceived wisdom of two certainties... Death and life are both transitional times, in other words changing states, as necessary as day moving into night and back to day again. You only need to walk out into Nature and observe how she follows the cycle of the seasons... spring always follows on from winter! The seed gives rise to the plant, to the flower, to the fruit, to the seed.... The patterns of our seasons do not alter, even though climate change is making itself felt more and more. Perhaps it is more about making peace with change rather than being afraid of impemanence.

Change is the very stuff of life itself. Perhaps it is better to hold lightly, rather than tightly?

There have been days when I have felt I have lost everything I thought was secure in my world - my home, partner, healing practice, sense of direction and, some days, even purpose... And yet, everything I have need of is inside of me, all of my life's experiences and wisdom. As I move out slowly from overwhelm and loss, I can feel my energies and hope beginning to return to me. What this is teaching me more than anything else is to value each day, each moment, each beautiful breath. And it is teaching me to know myself, and that I am capable of far more than I ever believed I could be...

Autumn Tree

It is not possible to know what is coming next, however what is increasingly clear is that life as we have known it, has fundamentally shifted - and the shifts will continue. For me, spending increasing time with Nature, especially amongst the trees, has brought unexpected tranquillity and peace, as I recognise that my life flows as the seasons flow. That there is a time to review life, and a time to envision and plant new seeds.

Embracing change, helps me to remember that without endings, there can be no new beginnings. And without change, without transitions, there can be no growth...

We are living in a time of awakening and tremendous growth. Our enforced period of seclusion has seen the beginning of internal transformation for many people as they begin to question the old certainties and ways of doing, not only in their personal lives, but in the external world - and wanting something better for their lives and those of the future generations.

Glorious Autumn Leaves


There is also a powerful creative energy moving, which can help us be carried forward on the winds of change. Creativity manifests in many ways. This can be through vision, through dreams, through creative processes and creative ideas. So, although you may not know your future, you can envision and plan in a different way.

Some of you will feel ready to embrace the uprush of creative energies coming in - others will still be in overwhelm and shock, still feeling the earth moving under your feet. For you, I encourage especial gentleness. Focus simply on what you need. Allow yourself time to heal and recover.

Golden Autumn Leaf

For others, make this your preparation time for a world you would like to live in, and know that your contribution matters, whether you are a designer, a plumber, a painter, a film maker, a writer, a dancer, a gardener, a musician, a healer, a teacher, a technological whizz... We are all part of the greater being, and we can all weave our threads to create something wonderful.

I have begun to create Mandalas, which will appear on my website - and Instagram (beauty.way.59), from time to time. My lovely new Logo has evolved out of a combination of the beautiful Golden Ray Healing I have received myself and these creative energies.

Amidst all this shift and change, as you begin to let go of anything that troubles, the best thing you can do is to find ways to ground yourself. Steady and stabilise yourself as much as you can - walk in nature, exercise, dance, cook, garden, hug those you may, weep when you need to, learn how to just be, take a quiet moment - and find new ways of being creative.

And then begin to dream, vision the future and let yourself be carried forward on the winds of change to a better, happier world.

"Elizabeth is quite simply amazing. I have seen her for Reflexology, Homeopathy and Reiki over a period of several years and she has assisted me in transforming my life. She is calm, kind and caring and listens attentively. Elizabeth has empowered me to make the changes I needed to in order to heal and I will always be grateful to her."
(RC - Ontario)

Recover, Maintain and Improve Your Physical Wellbeing

This is the first in a series of articles on how to take best care of and honour each aspect of your being in turn, beginning with practical tips on how to maintain your physical wellbeing during the aftermath of the pandemic (and anytime). Subsequent articles will focus on emotional, energetic, mental and spiritual wellbeing in turn.


Getting Into the Body Helps to Keep Things Real

With all the stresses, changes and trauma surrounding us, especially as we have been living in a socially distancing and disconnecting way, it can be difficult to maintain a sense of reality. How your body feels is your base line - you only have one in this lifetime. Really taking care of your body physically, paying attention to its true needs, is a good way to re-establish some sense of stability. When you truly begin to take care of you, you express self-love. And your body and being will reward you by staying healthier and happier.

1. Move Your Body, Change How You Feel
Keeping still in one place, especially when we feel low, stuck or discouraged, means that we can end up feeling worse. The less we move, the less we want to move. However, as soon as we begin to move, we move our energy and our feelings begin to change for the better. By simply moving, you begin to release the stuckness. The more you move, the more you will feel like moving! There are many ways to begin to do this - experiment and find what suits you best. Remember, you know your body best, and being cautious, I would recommend that if it hurts, then adapt the move or don’t! I particularly like:

(a) Dancing - just put on some music to suit or lift your mood, and start to move. Whether you live alone or with family, just make it about being light-hearted. And if you don’t feel light-hearted, dance is a good way to move you through whatever you are feeling and begin to let it go… Dance is a fun way to exercise :-)
(b) T’ai Chi QiGung - gentle, flowing movements suitable for all ages which actively promotes wellbeing. I found Master Wing Cheung on UTube, and liked what he offered so downloaded his Beginner Online Tuition Series. It only takes about 20 minutes of my time, and can make an easy beginning or end to the day.
(c) Yoga - can be as gentle or vigorous as you choose! Try for loads of great teachers and teachings, most of it is free, or for a small subscription, and offers classes for absolute beginners to pros.
(d) Fitness - Building strength and stamina actively promotes your immune system against virus. Learn or restart a new fitness routine. This does not mean you have to start “pumping iron” - although, you can of course! There are plenty of easy routines on offer via UTube which you can practice at home. I have re-started a gentle exercise routine with small dumbbells to increase stamina and strength in my upper body and core. And I just feel good after a short 15 minute session! Build up slowly and gradually and be aware of your own physical limitations.
(e) Walking in Nature - Just open your front door and walk out into your garden or off into nature. Being out in the air and sunshine (and wind and rain) will help to invigorate you, change your perspective on the day, as well as providing physical exercise. Your body needs an exchange of air for oxygen to reach all parts of your body and brain, to keep everything functioning. Take notice of the natural world around you, and find joy in the small things, a wild flower, a butterfly, the changing seasons, the open beauty of the sky and flight of birds to lift your spirits. A Grounding & Rebalancing Guided Meditation Taking You Into Nature: The Willow of Grace
(f) Making Love - if you are lucky enough to be in a loving relationship, this is a beautiful restorative grounding way to inhabit and take care of your body. If not, find other ways to enjoy sensuality, with relaxing baths, cleansing showers, or a special cream that makes your skin feel just gorgeous!
(g) And more - Gardening, cooking, baking - and any other physical activity you enjoy… Make it about healthy bodily pleasure and joy!

2. Structure and Rhythm of Eating ~ We are What & When We Eat!
Food is the building block of our physical health. Eating nutritious meals, makes all the difference to the quality of our energy, but so does eating regularly. Did you know that all the organs of your body have their optimal operating time? For the stomach, this is between 7.00 and 9.00 in the morning, and for the spleen (which begins the process of breaking down and absorbing our food, turning it into chi, or energy) this is 9.00 to 11.00 in the morning. So aim to have breakfast at the latest by 9.00 am to start getting some sense of structure back into your day. Think rhythm rather than schedule! If 9.00 am feels too early, gradually make breakfast time earlier in the day, and then just be pleased with your own progress. This will immediately begin to change the quality of your energy. As your physical energy improves, so will your ability to deal with emotional and mental stresses.

3. Supplemental Immunity Boost
I am not a natural supplement taker, however I have been taking Vitamin D since the beginning of the pandemic in March. There is now plenty of research demonstrating the positive effect on the immune system of taking Vitamin D daily. It is known as the “Sunshine Vitamin”, as it is found naturally in sunshine, so exposing your long bones to sunlight is good for your health - provided you protect yourself from sunburn. Moving into autumn here in the UK, means shorter days and less sunlight, however you can buy “sunshine” in a bottle to help to keep your immune system in good working order. Prevention is better than cure? I also take L-Lycine which has a good reputation in supporting the immune system. (You might like to check out my Sunshine Smile Guided Meditation free for you with love 💛)

4. The Powerhouse of Sleep
Irregular sleeping patterns really affect how we feel. Sleep is our body’s natural restoration resource, and although there are no quick fixes, I’ve found the following has really made a difference including switching off technology well before bedtime. Regular meals bring structure into the day which encourages easier, sounder and better quality sleep. Just as the optimal time for breakfast is between 7.00 and 9.00 am, so it’s good to encourage relaxation from 7.00 pm onwards with quiet occupations and self-care activities, winding down slowly to about 10.00 or 11.00 pm. Your liver is your physical powerhouse of energy and it does its best rest and recovery in the deep sleep period between 1.00 and 3.00 am. If you’re a real late nighter, this will disrupt and affect your energies for the following day. Gently and gradually work towards shifting sleep patterns, based on creating regular meal times, relaxation and exercise patterns.

5. Humour is Seriously Helpful ~ Laughter Is The Best Medicine
Lighten your mood, shake off whatever is bothering you, have a good belly laugh - watch a silly movie, share a joke with a friend, find a reason to celebrate. Remember, despite what the media would have you believe, more than 90% of what is in the world is good, positive, beautiful and joyful. When we feel happier, our physical health naturally improves :-)

6. And, Finally, Practical Healing ~ Consider Golden Way Reiki Healing Treatments
Practical ways of taking care of yourself physically are essential, however sometimes they aren’t quite enough. What goes on around us, as well as how we feel inside and about ourselves, affects us physically, affecting sleep patterns and creating symptoms of discomfort and stress. If you feel you need something more, then take a look at alternative and complementary health support - I offer Golden Way Reiki, and would be delighted if you want to get in touch to find out more about what it has to offer you…

~ Reiki for Physical Wellbeing ~

"I had never experienced Reiki before my consultation with Elizabeth and was very unsure of what to expect regarding both the process and the outcome. In the event, I was utterly amazed by both.  My problem was associated with an extensive tissue injury a year previously, which had still not healed and was starting to have an impact on my lifestyle and recovery.  As Elizabeth commenced her treatment I could feel the effect of her hands on me progressing through my body and becoming more intense in the location of the injury. The following day, I was astonished to find that the symptoms I had been experiencing had completely disappeared!  For several weeks I waited tentatively for my problems to recur, but the healing has continued.  I am astonished by what Elizabeth has achieved and cannot recommend her work highly enough. I have complete confidence in Elizabeth and would not hesitate to consult her again, whatever the issue."   
(Diane T - Yorkshire)

In my experience, it’s best to put things into place gently and gradually, rather that setting yourself an over-optimistic schedule and then beat yourself up for “failing”. I began with just one activity two years ago, and now add others in depending on how I feel. Please note I am not a nutritionist or a personal trainer. The suggestions and tips below are ones which I have found personally helpful through trial and error, especially in the past few months. I hope you will find them helpful too :-) or inspire you to find your own - please do let me know!

Written and shared by Elizabeth Chanter of Honour Being, Golden Way Advanced Reiki Master (Alternative Health Practitioner)