Posts tagged feminine creator
Honour Feminine Creative Energy

When we step into our feminine creative energy, we step in to the flow of life.

We simply allow.

By being all that we are ready are, we attract all that we need.

If we believe we are insufficient, life reflects that back to us in response.

As human beings, we are affected by experiences which cause us to lose trust and confidence.

Trust may be healed.

Courage may be restored.

Know that you are always enough, and far more than enough.

A rose does not require external instructions on how to unfold and flower.

A baby within the womb follows the same pattern of unfolding. The conscious mind of the mother does not issues instructions on when and how to develop on into the next stage.

A butterfly simply moves through the stages already inherent within the egg.

These are all profound examples of creativity in action through simply being

The only driver is nature itself.

You are a co-creator already.

Let life and abundance find you.

Simply be…


“Elizabeth worked with me on a cycle of four Reiki Treatments and what came about changed my perception of myself, my achievements as a mother and how to take care of myself. I feel in touch with my feminine side in a way I never have before.”
(Maggie Russell ~ Calne, January 2022)