Guided Meditation 03 - Willow Of Grace

Guided Meditation 03 - Willow Of Grace


The Willow of Grace Guided Meditation brings a gentle focussed calm, assists you with the art of giving and receiving, and is grounding and rebalancing . All Trees, or Standing People have their gifts to offer. Willow teaches us lovingly how to embrace what we cannot change with grace, to release, to adapt and how to reweave a new and better future. Sometimes it is only by passing through loss that we can gain something of greater value…

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The Willow of Grace Guided Meditation assists you with the art of giving and receiving, and is grounding and rebalancing . All Trees, or Standing People have their gifts to offer. Willow teaches us lovingly how to embrace what we cannot change with grace, to release, to adapt and how to reweave a new and better future. Sometimes it is only by passing through loss that we can gain something of greater value…

This Meditation is created by Elizabeth of Honour Being Reiki, and is the first of The Secret Garden Series of Guided Meditations. Please enjoy ☺

Contents: 1 x Digital MP3 Audio File


Music accreditation:  Natural Beauty (Ichill Music Factory)

© Elizabeth Chanter, Honour Being Reiki (2020)