Posts tagged Reiki Healing
Reiki Exploration Sundays
Introduction to Reiki Wiltshire

Reiki Exploration SUNDAYS at honour being IN CALNE

NEXT DATES: TBA (2.00 ~ 5.00 PM)


Heard about Reiki, but not sure what it is or how it can help you?

Curious to discover what if feels like to receive Reiki?

Are you drawn to working with me, but would like to find out more before committing to a full Cycle of Reiki?

I love to invite, inspire and nurture the inner light of others, so I offer these informal, experiential events.



Grounding Tree Meditation

A brief introduction to Golden Way Reiki

Opening in Tranquillity Healing Journey Guided Meditations


Short Sitting Reiki Treatments (Optional ~ privately in Healing Room)

Q and A




£35 (Without Reiki Treatment)
£45 (With Reiki Treatment)


Honour Being, Calne, Wiltshire

Not only was it incredibly relaxing but it felt like every cell of me was being nourished. For anyone who is considering taking up this treatment I can’t recommend it more. Thank you Elizabeth.
— Laila L ~ Cheltenham
Reiki Healing Room, Devizes

Elizabeth Chanter is an experienced Shamanically trained Reiki Master in The Golden Reiki Way and Classical Homeopath. She offers Reiki Treatments and Attunement & Training, and Homeopathic Consultations at her Honour Being Healing Practice in Calne, in Wiltshire, near Avebury.

She also conducts regular New and Full Moon Meditation & Healing Ceremonies from the Wildling Studio in Charlcutt.

Making An Investment In You

This is about so much more than money.

The achievement of true wellbeing, happiness and harmony involves a willingness to invest in yourself through your own dedication, patience, courage and receptivity.

And I invest much seen and unseen time and energy in the work that I do for each of my clients. However, it’s a partnership. It’s very simple: the more you are dedicated to doing the work, the greater the returns you will see in your life. 

I love the work I do, and witnessing the way the people I work with resolve issues in their lives and blossom and bloom, each in their own very individual way.

To find out more about the value of walking The Golden Reiki Way:

The Golden Reiki Way Calne Wiltshire


“Elizabeth has empowered me to make the changes I needed to in order to heal and I will always be grateful to her.”
(Rachel C ~ Embrun, Ontario 2014)


Our Life As A Journey

“Life challenges us, and through challenge we grow.
Sometimes what makes the difference is having a hand to hold along the way
at the time you need it most, until you are once again able to
walk in your beauty, strength and truth unaided, ready to offer the same to another…”

I believe our whole life is a journey - a journey during which many things happen to us - some are wonderful and amazing, and others create challenges and difficult times. I view these challenges as opportunities to grow, to evolve - however, it is easier when we have the right people alongside us to assist us on our journey.

As I walk alongside and work with my clients, we take many different kinds of journeys.

As we work together, I witness people begin to understand and re-discover the deeper meaning of what to is to become truly well. As part of this transformation, gifts and potential are often revealed within them, and dreams are realised, sometimes more than they could possibly have imagined.

Many of my clients have suffered from abuse and/or addiction. I enable them to leave behind years of hurt and pain, through the gentle healing power of listening and touch, and by offering a supportive, steady and progressive way forward.

In addition to offering Golden Way Reiki Healing, it is my way to take my personal experiences, to grow through them - and then to offer what I have learned to help others as best I may, sometimes with very practical suggestions! If something has worked for me, then it may well work for you too…

What I recognise is that we are all somewhere on our journey, including me, we are all “Unfinished Songs”…

The Reiki Journey


“Over the last few years I have experienced the benefits which Reiki does deliver - especially removing any negativity and resetting your point of view.”
Peter Brown ~ Cheltenham, Jan 2022


Choosing To Heal
Healing Calendula Flowers


By weaving together the beautiful and gentle Treatments of Reiki, Crystal Reiki Healing, Golden Energy Healing, Shamanic Healing, Soul Retrieval, Attunement & Training ~ and much more… Plus “choosing to heal…”


Whatever the reason you are seeking help, what unites those who work with me most successfully is a willingness and understanding that healing begins when we choose to heal.

Choice is an action of the will, ie will I do this? Or will I not do that?

And the liver is the seat of the will ~ not the mind!

Our mind can inform our decisions. The greater our awareness and mindfulness, the wiser the decisions we make. You might like to think of your calm mind and your creative fiery place of the will as being in partnership.

A strong will might force matters through, but not necessarily with wisdom.

An uncertain mind might sometimes benefit from a little gut instinct!

It’s all a balance…

And if you are always challenged by your indecisions, always sitting on the fence, in the end life can just walk on by.

Remember, the power of choice lies in your hands, and in fact you are making choices unconsciously all of the time. Not making a decision is still making a decision, it’s just a form of abdication. There will be an outcome regardless, and it may not be to your liking.

Decisions are often influenced by the “what if” catastrophe scenario ~ they may be too influenced by fear.

However, “what if” the outcome is just amazing!!? Beyond your wildest, most wonderful dreams?

Once you have made your decision to heal, Reiki simply becomes the catalyst. True healing can only ever begin with change from within ~ and this is where and how Reiki does its healing.

Nothing is a “magic wand”, although the outcomes can often feel magical…

Are you ready to choose to heal, to reinvest in yourself and rediscover your wellbeing, and to begin a journey of a very special kind?

It’s true, choosing to heal can take courage, but we are all far more courageous, gifted and prescious than we realise… and when we have someone to walk alongside us as needed, suddenly so much more becomes possible than we might have ever believed alone…

If you would like a little assistance in deciding how to choose the best Reiki Treatments for you, then do get in touch…

And then we can celebrate every single victory no matter how large or small following all the choices you make!

Elizabeth has a deep understanding of the human condition and an intimate knowledge of Reiki as a means for completeness. A truly wonderful Reiki Master, teacher and human!”
(Alex Chapman ~ Gloucester, January 2022)

A Balanced Approach to Healing and to Life
Work Life Balance

Can you sense the uplift and movement that comes from moving out of the inner, introspective energies at the end of Winter as we transition into the outward moving, fresh, budding ones of early Spring?

These changeable days of sunshine and showers are heralding seasonal transition and giving rise to some beautiful rainbows!

How do you maintain your balance whilst shifting through the transitions of life?
Much is written about “work/life” balance, but what does it mean to take a balanced approached to wellbeing and health?

Here at Honour Being, I recognise that we have many different aspects to our being ~ and there are complex reasons that we become out of balance.

We are not simply body, mind and spirit ~ we are also energetic and emotional beings. And each aspect may move out of balance. Each aspect has its own specific issues, and yet is interconnected within us as a whole and complete being.

And we are also subject to many influences around and outside us.

So how do we take a balanced approach to life and healing, when there are just so many different choices available to us?

We can choose to work with many different therapists/healers in order to find restoration ~ and sometimes we need to do a specific “deeper dive”.

Often we may be drawn to see health as solely located in one aspect of our being, for example physical health may seen as the predominant factor, or mental health may become the sole focus.

This is unbalanced and ultimately will lead to greater imbalance.

Our body is truly our personal temple, and nurturing and caring for our body is essential. It is our “earth suit” and we are only gifted one of those in each lifetime.

However, it is also a vessel for Spirit to inhabit, and is the container of all of our thoughts, emotions and energy. Our emotional experiences and wounds ultimately give rise to physical pain and illness, if left unaddressed, and affect the way we view the world.

The way we view the world, then influences our expectations, and life responds by meeting those expectations. This is the reason I begin by offering healing to the emotional hurts. Perceptions and expectations organically begin to shift and change.

Experiences become more positive and life-affirming, creating more positive thought processes. Neural pathways begin to change, transforming self-limiting beliefs.

This is not short term, “quick fix” work, but requires dedication and determination from both myself and each person I work with.

Through subtle and very specific Reiki training, I am able to work with each and every aspect of your being in a manner which gently returns you to balance and alignment.

We begin by gently asking what happened to make it so?

And how come the balance has been lost?

And then the intelligence of Reiki moves to where the healing is needed.

Returning you to balance.

One step at a time.

I came to her a wreck of a man, physically and mentally. Elizabeth put me gently but firmly back on the path to self-healing with enormous compassion and deftness of her art. “
(Alex C ~ Gloucester, January 2022)

To find out more contact me for a free 20 minute consultation.

Or visit my website for more info

Honour New Rose Strawberry Moon Ceremony


Would you like to join me to honour yourself with an hour of tranquillity and release, creating spaciousness into which your may seed your dreams for the coming month?

The New Rose Strawberry Moon welcomes a gentle sweetness back into life, as strawberries ripen and roses unfold their soft petals… This Moon is sometimes known as the Lovers’ Moon...

As May crosses into June, the Circle will celebrate this Moon in the airy and expansive energies of The Flowering Time of Deer/Gemini. These bring a cooling, calming relief to any tumultuous feelings generated during The Growing Time of earthy Beaver/Taurus.

New Rose Strawberry Moon Circle

The Strawberry Rose Moon grows to fullness in The Flowering time this year, and it is not until late June that we transition into The Long Time of Woodpecker/Cancer. This welcomes in the first of the three Moon cycles of summer, beginning at the Summer Solstice. Nature begins to slow its pace and grow into the maturity leading to fruitfulness. The days are at their longest, the nights at their shortest. It is at last a joy to be out of doors experiencing the natural world in all her beauty after the long cold spring.

Watery Woodpecker/Cancer people grow through experience into wisdom, and have the ability to see things in their “true light”, and to flow in trust and innocence. At their most mature, they have a purity of vision and are non-attached to selfish considerations, with the ability to perceive the unity of the whole, rather than the differences. They do so by relying on their feelings, rather than on their intellect.

And so in June the invigorating and enlivening qualities of Air meet these flowing, feeling, harmonising qualities of Water. Perhaps it is time to learn from the fresh adventure of simply being alive, encouraging a return of excitement, enjoyment and fulfilment after confinement and loss… To recognise that life does continue to flow… And to remember the value of trust and playfulness to counterbalance the seriousness of life...


This month I am offering the Tranquillity Stillness Meditation, which includes the Moon Breath. The month of May is under the influence of Listening Woman, the Fifth Clan Mother, who “hears the truth”, discovering it in the Stillness (Tiyoweh). In the Stillness we can hear the still small voice within which guides us to our own truth. As we tip over into June we than move into the influence of Storyteller, the Sixth Clan Mother, who teaches us to have faith, be humble and to stay young at heart by keeping our innocence intact. Storyteller “speaks the truth” encouraging us to speak our truth from our hearts. She also reminds us of the power of laughter and humour to keep all in perspective.


Each Recipient has their own dedicated Rose Quartz Heart (the Crystal of loving mother energy and gentle emotional release), through whom the New Moon Healing is delivered. The “team” now consists of 13, one for each of the 13 lunar cycles, so 13 corresponding places are being offered.

Rose Quartz Crystal Reiki


(All cameras and microphones turned off ~ receiver mode only):

I appear on screen at the beginning simply to say hello and offer a little about working with Moon Energy and, specifically, with the energy of the The Grandmother Moon and Earth Wisdom energies of the month. I will then invite you to make yourself comfortable to enjoy the tranquil benefits of the Tranquillity Stillness Meditation whilst you receive the gently releasing New Moon Reiki Healing.

(NB The Moon Breath Meditation is contained within the Tranquillity Stillness Meditation this month.)

In order to keep your experience as personal and private as possible, all cameras and microphones will be kept turned off, and the session will be viewing and listening only.


If you prefer, you may book your place to receive New Moon Healing, and I will make the Tranquillity Stillness Meditation available for you to download from my website. You may then plan your own private Ceremony and still be part of the beautiful energy being generated. I will include you in the New Moon Healing part of the evening, which will commence at approximately 9.45 pm.


If you are unable to attend at the time of the Ceremony, you can still choose to be included in the New Moon Healing, and I then send you a recorded version of the evening for you to experience at a time which works for you. Several of my “regulars” have chosen this option, and discovered that they still feel the full benefits of the Ceremony.


Places available are limited strictly to 13, so please do book in good time to avoid disappointment.

The free gift of the Tranquillity Stillness Meditation is offered to all.

The fee for the New Moon Healing Circle is £33.

Whichever way you opt to be part of the Healing Circle, the complete session will last one hour, beginning at 9.00 pm.


Send me an email and let me know how you wish to participate. Confirmation of your place is made upon payment of the fee via BACS.

I will then send you:

1. Your Zoom Link (if required)

2. Your Discount Code so that you may download the Tranquillity Stillness Meditation for you to keep with my love, to listen to whenever you choose.

3. Suggestions on how to prepare yourself and your space to make the most of the New Rose Strawberry Moon Healing energies.

I do hope you will be able to join me to celebrate in the magical energy of the New Rose Strawberry Moon Healing Circle.

With love and best wishes

Elizabeth 🌑🌹🍓xx

Honour Feminine Creative Energy

When we step into our feminine creative energy, we step in to the flow of life.

We simply allow.

By being all that we are ready are, we attract all that we need.

If we believe we are insufficient, life reflects that back to us in response.

As human beings, we are affected by experiences which cause us to lose trust and confidence.

Trust may be healed.

Courage may be restored.

Know that you are always enough, and far more than enough.

A rose does not require external instructions on how to unfold and flower.

A baby within the womb follows the same pattern of unfolding. The conscious mind of the mother does not issues instructions on when and how to develop on into the next stage.

A butterfly simply moves through the stages already inherent within the egg.

These are all profound examples of creativity in action through simply being

The only driver is nature itself.

You are a co-creator already.

Let life and abundance find you.

Simply be…


“Elizabeth worked with me on a cycle of four Reiki Treatments and what came about changed my perception of myself, my achievements as a mother and how to take care of myself. I feel in touch with my feminine side in a way I never have before.”
(Maggie Russell ~ Calne, January 2022)

Honour New Moon Meditation & Healing Circle

“Enter the quiet place within your soul…”

Introducing The Honour New Moon Meditation & Healing Circle

Combining the calming effects of the Moon Breath Meditation with gentle releasing of New Moon Reiki Healing

Living in harmony with the energy and rhythm of the Moon can be very helpful in learning how to go with the flow of life during challenging times. These challenges may include ill health, relationship issues, living with anxiety and depression, mental stresses, the changes of life ~ all of which may disrupt the pace and structure of your life.

This is a way to discover that it is still possible to live creatively and with hope, as you learn how to flow with the cyclic energies of the Moon, the Earth and with life itself…

This is a beautiful, free flowing Ceremony encouraging quiet reflective time and healing.

In general, the New Moon is the most creative phase of the Moon Cycle. Outwardly still, this phase is a wonderful time for letting go of anything that did not turn out quite as you may have hoped in the previous Moon Cycle. It is also a time to offer gratitude for the blessings you have received, and to celebrate all your achievements no matter how great or small. This creates space for sowing the new seeds of projects, hopes, dreams and intentions for the month ahead.

“I took part in Elizabeth’s New Moon Healing Circle this month & it was beautiful. Taking part brought the great gift of inner stillness, plus some useful shifts I feel very grateful for. Thank you so much for this beautiful experience Elizabeth, I look forward to more in future!”
(Rachel C, Ontario ~ April 2021)




To include Tranquillity Reflection, Tranquillity Stillness and Tranquillity Vision Guided Meditations


Email for details of this special event



I appear on screen at the beginning simply to say hello and say a little about working with Moon Energy and, specifically, with the energy of the current New Moon and the coming Full Moon.

I will then invite you to make yourself comfortable to enjoy the tranquil benefits of the Moon Breath Meditation and to receive the gentle Reiki New Moon Healing.

Each month you will be offered a new and different Moon Breath Meditation Journey.

Whilst I am not a Zoom “fan”, for now I accept its usefulness in making these beautiful New Moon Healing Circles accessible in a safe manner. And so this will be available for you to join via Zoom.

In order to keep your experience as personal and private as possible, all cameras and microphones will be kept turned off, and the session will be viewing and listening only.


I quite understand that many people dislike the Zoom experience. And so, if you wish you may still book your place to receive New Moon Healing, and I will make The Moon Breath (Stillness) Meditation available for you to download from my website. You may then plan your evening to begin listening to the Meditation soon after 9.00 pm, and still be part of the beautiful energy being generated. I will then include you in the New Moon Healing part of the evening.

NB: I plan to offer these Meditation & New Moon Healing Circles Online as a monthly celebration. When the time is right, I would like to offer physical meetings, perhaps even developing them into New Moon Retreat Days. However, for now holding them Online means they will be available to you wherever you are in the world.



This is the Crystal of loving mother energy and gentle emotional release. These Crystal People have been especially attuned to the energy of New Moon Reiki Healing.

Each participant will have their own dedicated Rose Quartz Heart Person, who will carry the healing flow of release.



The fee for the New Moon Healing Circle is £33.

Whichever way you opt to be part of the Healing Circle, the complete session will last one hour from 9.00 pm to 10.00 pm.

I will send you a Discount code, so you can download the Meditation to keep ~ you will then have this to hand, in the event that the technology does not work as we wish.

Places available are limited strictly to 10, so please do book in good time to avoid disappointment.

Once you accept your Invitation and send your payment, I will send you your Zoom link (if required), and suggestions on how to prepare yourself and your space to make the most of the New Moon Healing energies.


I’m aware that there is a tendency for Moon Gatherings/Celebrations to be limited to women only, however the world is full of people of many different genders, all of whom are influenced by Moon energies, whether they are conscious of this or not ~ we are all bags of water, regardless :-) We are each a balance of feminine/receptive and masculine/expressive energies. Honour Being does not discriminate on gender, or on creed, colour or culture. Together we make up the Whirling Rainbow of peace, harmony and equality for All.