Posts tagged Sha

"The spirit intervenes, changing our dance with destiny, delicately urging the heart to open and serve."⁠

(Berta Broken Bow)⁠

Retaining optimism and hope for a better and brighter future is not so easy on the dark days and yet the sun returns to shine and the sky to blue ~ and babies continue to be born, symbols of life calling to itself, special gifted souls needed for the times ahead of us.

Amidst everything around us, we have our own individual challenges to grow through ~ and the way forward can feel unclear in this new world. We are in a transitional time, and a time which may be full of growth. Awakening on a world wide scale is necessary. It is time to let go of what serves neither us nor our planet, and to find a better way for All. However, awakening begins inside each individual being…


Finding a different way requires the asking of new questions ~ it is the only way to discover new answers. In order to do that, sometimes we need to pay attention to what is hidden, to the unexpected. This may call upon a change in perspective, a recognition of what the challenges are, new learnings ~ and also the gifts offered.

  • ☀️The Awakening Path in Shamanic teachings lies in the East.

  • ☀️It is the place of the dawn, new beginnings, clarity and illumination.⁠

  • ☀️The first of the seven paths of initiation, the first spoke of the Wheel of Life.⁠

  • ☀️Everytime we have a "ah hah" moment, we are standing in this place.⁠

  • ☀️Life sometimes gives us a wake up call ~ it may be an illness, it may be a lost job, it may be a broken relationship ~ or simply the sense that there has to be more to life than the material, physical humdrum world...⁠

  • ☀️We can choose to walk through that door or opportunity or deny the lessons and challenges. However the wake up call will get louder and louder, our own spirit wishing to be heard... and we can continue to deny to our own cost...⁠

  • ☀️The good news? This is also the pathway offering courage... 💛⁠

☀️Perhaps, a question you might like to ask yourself is, “What might awakening mean to me…?” and, if so “Am I ready?”

☀️If you are ready, and would like to walk the Awakening Path with me, then please do get in touch ~ I would love to walk beside you on your new adventure…

My Journey with Elizabeth:

“I was at a place in my life where I was ready to give up 8 years of medication (anti depressants), lead my own life and be in control of myself.  Elizabeth created a safe, secure environment in which I was able to bring my ‘baggage’ and leave it behind.  I was empowered and encouraged by the inexplicable force that Elizabeth shared with me through Reiki. I was held safe in her room, felt secure and had total trust in her method of practice.  Elizabeth allowed me to leave the past in the past, to make peace with my present and to appreciate my future. My journey is ongoing but I have come off the meds successfully and I am so grateful to Elizabeth for her patience and support."
(Ane G - Witney, 2014)

(Free 20 minute phone Consultation)