Posts tagged Self DEvelopment
Reiki Exploration Sundays
Introduction to Reiki Wiltshire

Reiki Exploration SUNDAYS at honour being IN CALNE

NEXT DATES: TBA (2.00 ~ 5.00 PM)


Heard about Reiki, but not sure what it is or how it can help you?

Curious to discover what if feels like to receive Reiki?

Are you drawn to working with me, but would like to find out more before committing to a full Cycle of Reiki?

I love to invite, inspire and nurture the inner light of others, so I offer these informal, experiential events.



Grounding Tree Meditation

A brief introduction to Golden Way Reiki

Opening in Tranquillity Healing Journey Guided Meditations


Short Sitting Reiki Treatments (Optional ~ privately in Healing Room)

Q and A




£35 (Without Reiki Treatment)
£45 (With Reiki Treatment)


Honour Being, Calne, Wiltshire

Not only was it incredibly relaxing but it felt like every cell of me was being nourished. For anyone who is considering taking up this treatment I can’t recommend it more. Thank you Elizabeth.
— Laila L ~ Cheltenham
Reiki Healing Room, Devizes

Elizabeth Chanter is an experienced Shamanically trained Reiki Master in The Golden Reiki Way and Classical Homeopath. She offers Reiki Treatments and Attunement & Training, and Homeopathic Consultations at her Honour Being Healing Practice in Calne, in Wiltshire, near Avebury.

She also conducts regular New and Full Moon Meditation & Healing Ceremonies from the Wildling Studio in Charlcutt.

10 Keys To Wellbeing

What does being in balance mean to you?

I’ve been doing some research on how people bring themselves back to health from serious illness. According to my research, there are 10 Keys common to recovery and wellbeing in the amazing stories I’ve read. These Keys (in no particular order) are:

Connection to spirit
Listening to your intutition
Strong reasons for living
A strong social network (includes pets)
Increasing positive emotion
Taking control of your health
Releasing emotional feelings and distress
Herbs and supplementation
Healthy diet and nutrition

How many of these Keys have a in place in your life? The tendency is to focus on some and not others. When I look at them, I can see clearly which ones have a strong place in my life ~ and which ones I definitely need to bring in to create a truly healthy balance.

Can you identify how each one connects to a different element of your Being: Spirit, Mind, Energy, Emotion and Body?

We can wait until we have developed an illness to bring these Keys into our lives ~ or, more wisely, we can ensure that they are in place, decreasing the likelihood of illness… and the research also shows that having this balance can even outweigh and change DNA… How about that?

For example, some people have a strong natural connection to spirit, and pay less attention to the needs of the physical body through healthy diet and exercise. Some focus everything on physical wellbeing, and pay no attention to finding stillness or connecting to spirit. Some have a very strong social network of family and friends, and yet still store all the hurtful emotional experiences up inside them.

So, to counteract my innate tendency towards the serious (!), I’m making it a goal to bring more joyful, playful times into my life. And because I’m single and still relatively new to where I live, I’m increasing my social network through joining a wonderful Yoga community, growing my circle of soul sisters ~ and planning to buy a puppy for companionship, joy and all that unconditional loving :-)

Which Keys are the ones missing in your life?

Which Keys would help to bring you more into balance?

How might you do that?

In coming Blogs, I’m going to focus on each Key in turn, looking at how it helps to generate balance, and suggesting a few simple steps to bring it into your life ~ besides working through Reiki!


”Reiki is not a quick fix to an ache or pain, but it is an investment in you. It heals you from inside. I have absolute trust ... Reiki and Elizabeth’s help me feel more balanced.”
— Teresa H (Oxon, 2016

Making An Investment In You

This is about so much more than money.

The achievement of true wellbeing, happiness and harmony involves a willingness to invest in yourself through your own dedication, patience, courage and receptivity.

And I invest much seen and unseen time and energy in the work that I do for each of my clients. However, it’s a partnership. It’s very simple: the more you are dedicated to doing the work, the greater the returns you will see in your life. 

I love the work I do, and witnessing the way the people I work with resolve issues in their lives and blossom and bloom, each in their own very individual way.

To find out more about the value of walking The Golden Reiki Way:

The Golden Reiki Way Calne Wiltshire


“Elizabeth has empowered me to make the changes I needed to in order to heal and I will always be grateful to her.”
(Rachel C ~ Embrun, Ontario 2014)


Discover Your Truth

You may arrive with many questions, looking for answers…

Who am I?
What do I long for?
Where do I belong?
How do I truly feel and how can I feel better?
When did matters go wrong?

I do not interpret on your behalf. Instead I encourage you to trust the wisdom that resides within you and to know and live your own truth.

I help you to find your answers through listening and asking you questions… Then I deliver the healing, revealing, compassionate energy of Golden Way Reiki which shows you the way and brings answers.

Whether you visit for an occasional series of Treatments, or decide to walk with me regularly along The Golden Reiki Way for many years, our time together is always dedicated to revealing the beauty of your Inner Being and to bringing forth the gifts that lie inside you, perhaps unrealised all your life.

This enables you to live a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life, and to evolve and grow into the person you were always meant to be in your way.

Reiki Healing Space Devizes Wiltshire


“During my Reiki session with Elizabeth I felt that I had my questions answered. It was a special treat being in her healing environment.”
(Viktoria K ~ Oxon 2015)


Honour Feminine Creative Energy

When we step into our feminine creative energy, we step in to the flow of life.

We simply allow.

By being all that we are ready are, we attract all that we need.

If we believe we are insufficient, life reflects that back to us in response.

As human beings, we are affected by experiences which cause us to lose trust and confidence.

Trust may be healed.

Courage may be restored.

Know that you are always enough, and far more than enough.

A rose does not require external instructions on how to unfold and flower.

A baby within the womb follows the same pattern of unfolding. The conscious mind of the mother does not issues instructions on when and how to develop on into the next stage.

A butterfly simply moves through the stages already inherent within the egg.

These are all profound examples of creativity in action through simply being

The only driver is nature itself.

You are a co-creator already.

Let life and abundance find you.

Simply be…


“Elizabeth worked with me on a cycle of four Reiki Treatments and what came about changed my perception of myself, my achievements as a mother and how to take care of myself. I feel in touch with my feminine side in a way I never have before.”
(Maggie Russell ~ Calne, January 2022)

The Joy of Guided Meditation
Honour Sacred Meditation Mandala

Available Now: Guided Meditations & Creative Visualisations offered to you with love

The Sunshine Smile Meditation - Honour Your Body

The Sunshine Smile Meditation is the first in a Series of Guided Meditations & Creative Visualisations coming soon from Elizabeth of Honour Being Reiki. These are being developed to balance and centre you, spiritually, mentally, energetically, emotionally and physically.

I invite you to take part in these as part of your self-care. Taking time out from the world to follow Guided Meditations is a way is to bring calm within, a sense of space, an appreciation of all aspects of your Being, and renewed vitality. They are a lovely way to encourage you to take some quiet time out in a manner that is nurturing, replenishing and restorative. They are extra special when worked with as part of Reiki Practice. It is now recognised that regular Meditation benefits and supports immune systems and calms the nervous system.

Many people live overbusy lives, occupying many different roles and often in a constant state of giving out and caring for others. This is a gentle reminder that, when you allow time to take care of yourself, you will better equipped to continue to play all those roles for others in your life. This is not a selfish act but an essential one for your wellbeing.

Other ways are through a practice of yoga, going for a gentle walk in the countryside, reading a good book, having a relaxing bath, having massage and spending time with those you love and who affirm you. All of these ways enhance your life and your energies, as do the healing gifts of Golden Way Reiki :-)

Honour Being Guided Meditations are created to ensure your safety, always being mindful of the need to ground and earth your experience. Take a look at the Guided Meditation Page of Honour Being to see what is coming soon and then do check back from time to time to see what is new for you.

Honour Attunement - Deeper Healing

"Elizabeth is quite simply amazing. I have seen her for Reflexology, Homeopathy and Reiki over a period of several years and she has assisted me in transforming my life. She is calm, kind and caring and listens attentively. Elizabeth has empowered me to make the
changes I needed to in order to heal and I will always be grateful to her."
(Rachel C - Ontario)


As part of your deeper healing, for reasons of personal self-development, or through your motivation to continue exploring the Shamanic Golden Reiki Way, one way forward is for you to become attuned yourself.  

There was a time in the history of humankind when we naturally lived in harmony with the greater Universe. We understood our role within Creation and were at ease within it, knowing that our physical body existed to house our spirit. Each individual once lived a life of perfect balance between being human and spirit. We were harmonious caretakers of the earth. Over aeons of time, the majority of the human race has lost touch with this, allowing mind, ego, physicality and materialism to dominate.

Attunement brings us back into harmony, not just within ourselves, but with the greater Universe, and in this sense attunement is actually re- attunement. In this School, this begins when we have our Earth connection restored through Honour Foundation First Advanced Degree Attunement, ensuring stability.

One way to think of Attunement is like a radio station trying to pick up the radio waves. Remember what happens when you adjust the dial? All of a sudden everything is clear and you can hear musical harmony.  

Reiki, like the radio waves, is always there; it’s just that our transmitters stop functioning as well as they might and the receptors can become a bit distorted. Adjust the aerial and then the dial and mend the internal wiring – and the reception (input) and quality of music (output) changes dramatically!

Once you have received a minimum of one cycle of four Treatments to begin to clear, release and heal in the emotional dimension, you may qualify for an Invitation to Honour Foundation First Advanced Degree, so that you can take the personal and self-healing action of giving Reiki to yourself.