Moon Ceremonies at Honour Being

These are beautiful, free flowing Ceremonies encouraging you to pause, quietly reflect and ~ into the spaciousness ~ then dream and create your future...
— Elizabeth of Honour Being


Traditionally and tribally, women have come together at the times of both the New and Full Moons to honour and celebrate Grandmother Moon, Mother Earth and themselves as beings of the creative feminine principle of life.

Join us by stepping into Ceremony to honour yourself with a time of tranquillity and release, creating spaciousness in which you may review and adapt the dreams you have seeded for this lunar cycle. Reflect on the challenges, learnings and gifts each lunar cycle is bringing you.

~ The New Moon is The Seed Dreaming Time ~

~ The Full Moon is The Flowering Time ~

Living in harmony with the energy and rhythm of the Moon can be very helpful in learning how to go with the flow of life during challenging times. These challenges may include ill health, relationship issues, living with anxiety and depression, mental stresses, the changes of life ~ all of which may disrupt the pace and structure of your life.

This is a way to discover that it is still possible to live creatively and with hope, as you learn how to flow with the cyclic energies of the Moon, the Earth and with life itself…

(Held ONLINE & AT the Wildling Studio, Carlcutt near Calne)


Combines Ancient Earth Wisdoms, Breathwork, Meditation & Ceremony

In general, the New Moon is the most creative phase of the Moon Cycle. Outwardly still, this phase is a wonderful time for letting go of anything that did not turn out quite as you may have hoped in the previous Moon Cycle.

It is also a time to offer gratitude for the blessings you have received, and to celebrate all your achievements no matter how great or small. This creates space for sowing the new seeds of projects, hopes and intentions for the month ahead, in other words time in which to Seed Your Dreams…


“I took part in Elizabeth’s New Moon Healing Circle this month & it was beautiful. Taking part brought the great gift of inner stillness… Thank you so much for this beautiful experience Elizabeth.”

(Rachel C, Ontario ~ April 2021)


(In Person)


In general, the Full Moon is the flowering time time of the Moon Cycle, and an ideal time to reflect upon and review your lunar month so far. Perhaps imagine this place as the top of the mountain, from which you can view where you have come from, and what lies ahead. Often emotionally charged, this phase is the ideal time for deciding what to retain and what to let go of or defer. Adapt as needed and begin to tie up the loose ends as Grandmother Moon begins to wane.

Rather than thinking in simple terms of success and failure, it is more helpful to consider all that as happened as experiences you can learn from. Then continue to cultivating your chosen projects, hopes and intentions for the remainder of the lunar cycle.

As with The New Moon, The Full Moon is also a time to offer gratitude for the blessings you have received so far, and to honour and celebrate all your achievements no matter how great or small.