Discover Your Truth

You may arrive with many questions, looking for answers…

Who am I?
What do I long for?
Where do I belong?
How do I truly feel and how can I feel better?
When did matters go wrong?

I do not interpret on your behalf. Instead I encourage you to trust the wisdom that resides within you and to know and live your own truth.

I help you to find your answers through listening and asking you questions… Then I deliver the healing, revealing, compassionate energy of Golden Way Reiki which shows you the way and brings answers.

Whether you visit for an occasional series of Treatments, or decide to walk with me regularly along The Golden Reiki Way for many years, our time together is always dedicated to revealing the beauty of your Inner Being and to bringing forth the gifts that lie inside you, perhaps unrealised all your life.

This enables you to live a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life, and to evolve and grow into the person you were always meant to be in your way.

Reiki Healing Space Devizes Wiltshire


“During my Reiki session with Elizabeth I felt that I had my questions answered. It was a special treat being in her healing environment.”
(Viktoria K ~ Oxon 2015)