A Balanced Approach to Healing and to Life

Work Life Balance

Can you sense the uplift and movement that comes from moving out of the inner, introspective energies at the end of Winter as we transition into the outward moving, fresh, budding ones of early Spring?

These changeable days of sunshine and showers are heralding seasonal transition and giving rise to some beautiful rainbows!

How do you maintain your balance whilst shifting through the transitions of life?
Much is written about “work/life” balance, but what does it mean to take a balanced approached to wellbeing and health?

Here at Honour Being, I recognise that we have many different aspects to our being ~ and there are complex reasons that we become out of balance.

We are not simply body, mind and spirit ~ we are also energetic and emotional beings. And each aspect may move out of balance. Each aspect has its own specific issues, and yet is interconnected within us as a whole and complete being.

And we are also subject to many influences around and outside us.

So how do we take a balanced approach to life and healing, when there are just so many different choices available to us?

We can choose to work with many different therapists/healers in order to find restoration ~ and sometimes we need to do a specific “deeper dive”.

Often we may be drawn to see health as solely located in one aspect of our being, for example physical health may seen as the predominant factor, or mental health may become the sole focus.

This is unbalanced and ultimately will lead to greater imbalance.

Our body is truly our personal temple, and nurturing and caring for our body is essential. It is our “earth suit” and we are only gifted one of those in each lifetime.

However, it is also a vessel for Spirit to inhabit, and is the container of all of our thoughts, emotions and energy. Our emotional experiences and wounds ultimately give rise to physical pain and illness, if left unaddressed, and affect the way we view the world.

The way we view the world, then influences our expectations, and life responds by meeting those expectations. This is the reason I begin by offering healing to the emotional hurts. Perceptions and expectations organically begin to shift and change.

Experiences become more positive and life-affirming, creating more positive thought processes. Neural pathways begin to change, transforming self-limiting beliefs.

This is not short term, “quick fix” work, but requires dedication and determination from both myself and each person I work with.

Through subtle and very specific Reiki training, I am able to work with each and every aspect of your being in a manner which gently returns you to balance and alignment.

We begin by gently asking what happened to make it so?

And how come the balance has been lost?

And then the intelligence of Reiki moves to where the healing is needed.

Returning you to balance.

One step at a time.

I came to her a wreck of a man, physically and mentally. Elizabeth put me gently but firmly back on the path to self-healing with enormous compassion and deftness of her art. “
(Alex C ~ Gloucester, January 2022)

To find out more contact me for a free 20 minute consultation.

Or visit my website for more info