Posts tagged reiki journey
Re-balance Your Life ~ 10 Keys to Wellbeing and Happiness

You are intended to live a bright, beautiful life in balance with the world around you.

Take a moment to reflect:

What does being in or out of balance mean to you?

What might it mean to live in balance with the world around you?

Golden Way Reiki offers a way of gentle re-balancing throughout your entire system, but works best in harmony with other key factors.

Always taking a balanced approach to her work with her clients, I offer these 10 Keys to Wellbeing and Happiness for your consideration. (Read the full Article here.)

Reiki and Emotional Release

“Whatever exists outwardly must first exist inwardly…”

Emotional release begins from within...

The emotional woundings and hurts from our lives build up seemingly little by little.

And little by little they compress into our being, held within the fluids and interconnective tissues of our body.

Then little by little our physical bodies begin to speak to us by sending out their own messages of pain.

We ignore these messages at our peril.

BUT some of us are very very good at ignoring these messages.

Sometimes our bodies have to shout very loudly, sometimes they have to scream, sometimes they have to REFUSE to move any more.

Until we begin to pay attention.

Until we find the right way, the right person, the right healing art for us to enable the release ~ safely, slowly, gently... knowing we are held... knowing that the emotional release need not be unbearably painful, but can dissolve and let go just as the body lets go, little by little...

And then, instead of feeling frustration with the body which will no longer do what we WANT, we can learn to feel GRATITUDE to the body that has served us so well and sent us the messages we need to hear...

And then we can begin to MOVE once more in GRACE and FREEDOM...

To find out how Reiki can assist with emotional release and healing, click on the button below.


“Reiki is not a quick fix to an ache or pain, but it is an investment in you. It heals you from inside. … they will be released because you are ready.”
(Teresa H ~ Oxon, 2016)

Making An Investment In You

This is about so much more than money.

The achievement of true wellbeing, happiness and harmony involves a willingness to invest in yourself through your own dedication, patience, courage and receptivity.

And I invest much seen and unseen time and energy in the work that I do for each of my clients. However, it’s a partnership. It’s very simple: the more you are dedicated to doing the work, the greater the returns you will see in your life. 

I love the work I do, and witnessing the way the people I work with resolve issues in their lives and blossom and bloom, each in their own very individual way.

To find out more about the value of walking The Golden Reiki Way:

The Golden Reiki Way Calne Wiltshire


“Elizabeth has empowered me to make the changes I needed to in order to heal and I will always be grateful to her.”
(Rachel C ~ Embrun, Ontario 2014)


Discover Your Truth

You may arrive with many questions, looking for answers…

Who am I?
What do I long for?
Where do I belong?
How do I truly feel and how can I feel better?
When did matters go wrong?

I do not interpret on your behalf. Instead I encourage you to trust the wisdom that resides within you and to know and live your own truth.

I help you to find your answers through listening and asking you questions… Then I deliver the healing, revealing, compassionate energy of Golden Way Reiki which shows you the way and brings answers.

Whether you visit for an occasional series of Treatments, or decide to walk with me regularly along The Golden Reiki Way for many years, our time together is always dedicated to revealing the beauty of your Inner Being and to bringing forth the gifts that lie inside you, perhaps unrealised all your life.

This enables you to live a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life, and to evolve and grow into the person you were always meant to be in your way.

Reiki Healing Space Devizes Wiltshire


“During my Reiki session with Elizabeth I felt that I had my questions answered. It was a special treat being in her healing environment.”
(Viktoria K ~ Oxon 2015)


Our Life As A Journey

“Life challenges us, and through challenge we grow.
Sometimes what makes the difference is having a hand to hold along the way
at the time you need it most, until you are once again able to
walk in your beauty, strength and truth unaided, ready to offer the same to another…”

I believe our whole life is a journey - a journey during which many things happen to us - some are wonderful and amazing, and others create challenges and difficult times. I view these challenges as opportunities to grow, to evolve - however, it is easier when we have the right people alongside us to assist us on our journey.

As I walk alongside and work with my clients, we take many different kinds of journeys.

As we work together, I witness people begin to understand and re-discover the deeper meaning of what to is to become truly well. As part of this transformation, gifts and potential are often revealed within them, and dreams are realised, sometimes more than they could possibly have imagined.

Many of my clients have suffered from abuse and/or addiction. I enable them to leave behind years of hurt and pain, through the gentle healing power of listening and touch, and by offering a supportive, steady and progressive way forward.

In addition to offering Golden Way Reiki Healing, it is my way to take my personal experiences, to grow through them - and then to offer what I have learned to help others as best I may, sometimes with very practical suggestions! If something has worked for me, then it may well work for you too…

What I recognise is that we are all somewhere on our journey, including me, we are all “Unfinished Songs”…

The Reiki Journey


“Over the last few years I have experienced the benefits which Reiki does deliver - especially removing any negativity and resetting your point of view.”
Peter Brown ~ Cheltenham, Jan 2022