Soul Retrieval Lotus


Perhaps you have a sense of deep loss, without being able to put a finger on what it is.  Perhaps you feel as if someone or something has taken a vital part of you with them when they leave your life.  Perhaps someone may have left a part of themselves with you, which you realise does not belong to you.  

This is a very special service offered to collect together soul fragments, or parts of your being, left in other places and sometimes in other lifetimes, so these fragments can be returned to where they belong.  It can also be deeply releasing. Soul Retrieval assists in finding the way forward when all avenues appear blocked or stuck.

When Soul Retrieval follows Attunement it can help to identify the next optimum step in regard to receiving a Cycle of Reiki, as well as being of intrinsic value for its own sake.

NB:  This service is only available to those who are already working with me through Reiki.

£190 single fee

Lotus of Compassion