Posts in Shamanic Reiki
Honour Full Mourning Moon Ceremony



(In Collaboration with Wildling Studio)

Tuesday 28th November 2023 at 7.00 pm

Traditionally and tribally, women have come together at the times of both the New and Full Moons to honour and celebrate Grandmother Moon, Mother Earth and themselves as beings of the creative feminine principle of life.

Join us by stepping into Ceremony to honour yourself with a time of tranquillity and release, creating spaciousness in which you may reflect upon and adapt the dreams you have seeded for this lunar cycle. Reflect on the challenges, learnings and gifts offered by The Frost Time of this year.

Elizabeth of Honour Being, will interweave ancient wisdoms, breathwork, meditation and Ceremony.

Sacred Broom

The Full Mourning/Deepest Dark Moon falls in the Earthwalk of Owl/Sagittarius, and concludes at The Winter Solstice, the shortest day and the longest night on 22nd December. The Winter Solstice is the cosmic “gateway” of rebirth, a potent time of spiritual evolution.

This is the third lunar cycle of the transitioning season of Autumn, and the time of going most deeply within, as well as offering thanksgiving and gratitude.

This lunar cycle is informed by The Eleventh Clan Mother, Walks Tall Woman. Her colour is white and her Cycle of Truth is “Walking With The Truth”.

This Full Moon Ceremony will be supported by Broom, the Sacred Druidic Plant of November. Broom is associated with Ngetal (NG) in the Ogham Tree Alphabet. Key words are healing, cleansing and strength.

Broom offers its gifts of sweeping away inner negative energies and is known as ‘the Physician’s Strength’, reminding us that we need to shed the emotional baggage, bad habits and fears that hold us back physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually if we are to bring harmony into our lives.


Time to walk your talk in the world... and be true to yourself...
— Elizabeth

Tranquillity Transformation Meditation


A reminder that change is the essence of life. Without endings there can be no new beginnings…

Transformation requires a letting go of old structures, before the new ones may be put in place, so your life may take a form to take you forward in a better way when the time is right.

Let Tranquillity Transformation Meditation take you on a peaceful journey to a quiet place where you can review your life and be supported in letting go of anything that is not for your happiness as lightly as a tree drops its leaves in the autumn, creating room for new visions, hopes and goals.

Let this be a welcome retreat from any change or uncertainty, by deepening your connection to the natural world and to your breath, gently bringing you to rest upon the earth.


~ Welcome, Opening and Theme: Sweep Away The Old!

~ Brief teachings on the Earth Energies of this Lunar Cycle

~ The Moon Breath Meditation
Guides you to flow with a pattern of breathing to bring you into harmony with the energy fields of both Mother Earth and Grandmother Moon, moving you naturally to your own quiet centre.

~ Release, Celebration & Gratitude

~ Tranquillity Transformation Healing Journey Meditation

~ Closing Circle


All bookings taken via Wildling Studio

I do hope you will be able to join myself and Sarah at The Full Moon Meditation Ceremony to honour yourself in the contemplative energies of The Full Mourning/Darkest Depths Moon.

With love,

Elizabeth 🌕🌑 xx

Attunement In Daily Life
Beautiful Irises

Attunement offers the deepest healing…


Attunement enables an individual to take a first real step towards self-responsibility. As the recipient of Attunement begins to give Reiki healing to themselves, their sense of themselves and their relationship to those around them begin to shift and change. Although their outward circumstances may not change, their perspective and their responses begin to undergo a transformation - and then the circumstances themselves can alter. Golden Way Reiki can accelerate positive change!

This can be especially positive, if they decide to give Reiki to their family and friends - animals love Reiki too. Giving Reiki is an act of service.

Many people today have grown up with absent parenting and unhappiness stemming from childhood, inheriting family patterns which have been handed down through generations, and also emotional wounds, losses and hurts of daily life. Attunement at Honour Foundation First and Honour Sacred Journey begins to address the issues involved and to heal them.

Golden Hearted Pink Rose

Honour Foundation First Advanced Degree:
Healing for the Receptive Feminine

Presence, Stability & Joy

Mothers are the feminine nurturing Foundation of our lives. Through her we connect to the Earth. Her stability determines our stability. Through healthy mothering we understand that joy, love and self-belief are our birthright. She is the bowl which contains and holds us. The quality of the mothering we have received is reflected in our ability to nurture others and to accept nourishment for ourselves. It affects our self-worth and the way we manifest in the world. These issues are addressed when an individual receives Attunement at Honour Foundation First Degree.

Glorious Double Rainbows

Honour Sacred Journey Second Advanced Degree:
Healing For The Expressive Masculine

Empowerment, Protection & Practice

Fathers represent the protective principle of Life. Without this, the world becomes a scary place, where individuals respond out of fear, anxiety levels are high and there is little trust in oneself or others. Some live with a sense of constantly being under attack, or feel mis-used by others, unable to say the self-protective "no". The masculine principle also dictates our ability to express ourselves in the world and to take proper action to create what will bring us happiness and fulfilment. Honour Sacred Journey Second Degree training confers, not only a professional qualification for those who wish to create a professional practice, but strong and healthy boundaries.

Honour Attunement - Deeper Healing

"Elizabeth is quite simply amazing. I have seen her for Reflexology, Homeopathy and Reiki over a period of several years and she has assisted me in transforming my life. She is calm, kind and caring and listens attentively. Elizabeth has empowered me to make the
changes I needed to in order to heal and I will always be grateful to her."
(Rachel C - Ontario)


As part of your deeper healing, for reasons of personal self-development, or through your motivation to continue exploring the Shamanic Golden Reiki Way, one way forward is for you to become attuned yourself.  

There was a time in the history of humankind when we naturally lived in harmony with the greater Universe. We understood our role within Creation and were at ease within it, knowing that our physical body existed to house our spirit. Each individual once lived a life of perfect balance between being human and spirit. We were harmonious caretakers of the earth. Over aeons of time, the majority of the human race has lost touch with this, allowing mind, ego, physicality and materialism to dominate.

Attunement brings us back into harmony, not just within ourselves, but with the greater Universe, and in this sense attunement is actually re- attunement. In this School, this begins when we have our Earth connection restored through Honour Foundation First Advanced Degree Attunement, ensuring stability.

One way to think of Attunement is like a radio station trying to pick up the radio waves. Remember what happens when you adjust the dial? All of a sudden everything is clear and you can hear musical harmony.  

Reiki, like the radio waves, is always there; it’s just that our transmitters stop functioning as well as they might and the receptors can become a bit distorted. Adjust the aerial and then the dial and mend the internal wiring – and the reception (input) and quality of music (output) changes dramatically!

Once you have received a minimum of one cycle of four Treatments to begin to clear, release and heal in the emotional dimension, you may qualify for an Invitation to Honour Foundation First Advanced Degree, so that you can take the personal and self-healing action of giving Reiki to yourself.

What Is Golden Way Reiki?
Glorious Magenta Rose


"I was empowered and encouraged by the inexplicable force that Elizabeth shared with me through Reiki. I felt secure and had total trust in her method of practice."
(AG - Witney)

Golden Way Reiki is "beyond Reiki" as it is traditionally known.  This is not about “doing Reiki” but offers the opportunity to follow a Sacred Path towards true wellbeing and personal and spiritual evolution. When Reiki was introduced to North America, it lost its roots.  Golden Way Reiki is traditional Japanese Reiki which is profoundly true to its Dr Usui Lineage and has been restored to its shamanic roots, and so we sometimes call this “Reiki With Roots”.  

Golden Way Reiki has the ability to restore order within:  to cleanse and release you from the past, to heal old wounds, to remove blocks, to re-wire, to upgrade - even to re-programme and re-structure.  It can take you from simple healing through to self development, full incarnation and then safely to spiritual evolution at the highest of levels. In order to achieve this, the work is structured and progressive, whilst retaining the flexibility of meeting individual need at the appropriate time. To achieve this Cycles of Reiki Treatments, are offered each with their own specific purpose.  A Cycle consists of three, four, five or seven treatments.  You may be invited to Reiki Attunement and Training when appropriate for you.  

It is usual for those who come to work with me to begin with a single Cycle of Reiki Treatments. They often then to decide to explore further as part of their personal development and spiritual journey, or because they require the deeper healing offered by Attunement.  Every Cycle of Reiki or Attunement you pass through is an opportunity for you to be restored to wholeness and to increase your well-being.  Each Cycle offers healing to a different aspect of your being as and when the time is right for you.

Honour Foundation First Degree (Personal Healing In Your Hands)
Joy, Stability & Presence

Honour Sacred Journey Second Degree (Pathway To A Brighter Future)
Empowerment, Protection & Practice