The Joy of Guided Meditation

Honour Sacred Meditation Mandala

Available Now: Guided Meditations & Creative Visualisations offered to you with love

The Sunshine Smile Meditation - Honour Your Body

The Sunshine Smile Meditation is the first in a Series of Guided Meditations & Creative Visualisations coming soon from Elizabeth of Honour Being Reiki. These are being developed to balance and centre you, spiritually, mentally, energetically, emotionally and physically.

I invite you to take part in these as part of your self-care. Taking time out from the world to follow Guided Meditations is a way is to bring calm within, a sense of space, an appreciation of all aspects of your Being, and renewed vitality. They are a lovely way to encourage you to take some quiet time out in a manner that is nurturing, replenishing and restorative. They are extra special when worked with as part of Reiki Practice. It is now recognised that regular Meditation benefits and supports immune systems and calms the nervous system.

Many people live overbusy lives, occupying many different roles and often in a constant state of giving out and caring for others. This is a gentle reminder that, when you allow time to take care of yourself, you will better equipped to continue to play all those roles for others in your life. This is not a selfish act but an essential one for your wellbeing.

Other ways are through a practice of yoga, going for a gentle walk in the countryside, reading a good book, having a relaxing bath, having massage and spending time with those you love and who affirm you. All of these ways enhance your life and your energies, as do the healing gifts of Golden Way Reiki :-)

Honour Being Guided Meditations are created to ensure your safety, always being mindful of the need to ground and earth your experience. Take a look at the Guided Meditation Page of Honour Being to see what is coming soon and then do check back from time to time to see what is new for you.