Tranquillity Sacred Meditation 04 - Stillness (Moon Breath)

Tranquillity Sacred Meditation 04 - Stillness (Moon Breath)


Let this Stillness (Moon Breath) Tranquillity Meditation take you on a peaceful journey to finding tranquillity and rest for your active reasoning mind, by focussing on your breath, your body, and visualisation.

Whilst working with the breath is often the access point in meditation, this is a meditation in which you will focus on the power of rhythmic breathing itself.

The Moon Breath pattern and rhythm follows that of the phases of the Moon, and the breath of the Earth Mother. This gentle pattern of breathing brings you into harmony with her energy field, and you will move naturally into your own quiet centre.

Thereby you will create a restful quiet space within your mind, allowing something new and unexpected to present itself to you as a gift.

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This is the fourth of a series of seven Tranquillity Meditations, which have been created to flow each one into the next in a cycle designed to take you on a journey of tranquillity and peace.

The complete cycle consists of Opening, Reflection, Transformation, Stillness, Vision, Remembering and Presence. Each Meditation will be posted here separately for you to download as they become available, and will ultimately be published as a complete downloadable album.

This Meditation is an original creation of Elizabeth Chanter of Honour Being


Contents: 1 x Digital MP3 Audio File
Duration: 22:08
Image: Original photo from Canva
Inspirational Accreditation: Kenneth Meadows and Jamie Sams
Music Accreditation: Relax Heaven (iChill Music Factory)

© Elizabeth Chanter, Honour Being (March 2021)