Tranquillity Sacred Meditation 03 - Transformation

Tranquillity Sacred Meditation 03 - Transformation


Let Tranquillity Transformation Meditation take you on a peaceful journey to a quiet place where you can review your life and be supported in letting go of anything that is not for your happiness as lightly as a tree drops its leaves in the autumn, creating room for new visions, hopes and goals. Let this be a welcome retreat from any change or uncertainty, by deepening your connection to the natural world and to your breath, gently bringing you to rest upon the earth.

This is the third of a series of seven short Tranquillity Meditations, which have been created to flow each one into the next in a cycle designed to take you on a journey of tranquillity and peace. 

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Take your time – enjoy this place of outward stillness and inner change. Transformation requires a letting go of old structures, before the new ones may be put in place, so your life may take a form to take you forward in a better way when the time is right.

The complete cycle consists of Opening, Reflection, Transformation, Stillness, Vision, Remembering and Presence. Each Meditation will be posted here separately for you to download as they become available, and will ultimately be published as a complete downloadable album.

This Meditation is an original creation of Elizabeth Chanter of Honour Being

Contents: 1 x Digital MP3 Audio File
Image:  Original Image from Dreamstime

Music accreditation:  Fairy Forest (IChill Music Factory)

© Elizabeth Chanter, Honour Being (2020)

This Meditation is an original creation of Elizabeth Chanter of Honour Being