Attunement In Daily Life

Beautiful Irises

Attunement offers the deepest healing…


Attunement enables an individual to take a first real step towards self-responsibility. As the recipient of Attunement begins to give Reiki healing to themselves, their sense of themselves and their relationship to those around them begin to shift and change. Although their outward circumstances may not change, their perspective and their responses begin to undergo a transformation - and then the circumstances themselves can alter. Golden Way Reiki can accelerate positive change!

This can be especially positive, if they decide to give Reiki to their family and friends - animals love Reiki too. Giving Reiki is an act of service.

Many people today have grown up with absent parenting and unhappiness stemming from childhood, inheriting family patterns which have been handed down through generations, and also emotional wounds, losses and hurts of daily life. Attunement at Honour Foundation First and Honour Sacred Journey begins to address the issues involved and to heal them.

Golden Hearted Pink Rose

Honour Foundation First Advanced Degree:
Healing for the Receptive Feminine

Presence, Stability & Joy

Mothers are the feminine nurturing Foundation of our lives. Through her we connect to the Earth. Her stability determines our stability. Through healthy mothering we understand that joy, love and self-belief are our birthright. She is the bowl which contains and holds us. The quality of the mothering we have received is reflected in our ability to nurture others and to accept nourishment for ourselves. It affects our self-worth and the way we manifest in the world. These issues are addressed when an individual receives Attunement at Honour Foundation First Degree.

Glorious Double Rainbows

Honour Sacred Journey Second Advanced Degree:
Healing For The Expressive Masculine

Empowerment, Protection & Practice

Fathers represent the protective principle of Life. Without this, the world becomes a scary place, where individuals respond out of fear, anxiety levels are high and there is little trust in oneself or others. Some live with a sense of constantly being under attack, or feel mis-used by others, unable to say the self-protective "no". The masculine principle also dictates our ability to express ourselves in the world and to take proper action to create what will bring us happiness and fulfilment. Honour Sacred Journey Second Degree training confers, not only a professional qualification for those who wish to create a professional practice, but strong and healthy boundaries.