Posts tagged Personal Development
Honour New Frost Moon Meditation & Healing Circle

The New Frost/Beaver Moon Meditation & Healing Circle


The New Moon Ceremonies are back by popular request, and I’m delighted to
invite you to join me in celebration on 4th November.
(See below for booking details)

The Circle will celebrate The New Moon in the The Frost Time of Snake/Scorpio. These are the transmutative energies of birth/death/rebirth. Whilst this is a darker and deeper energy, think of this as the phoenix rising from the ashes ~ in harmony with the changes in the outer world.

As always, the New Moon is a wonderful time for letting go of anything that did not turn out quite as you may have hoped in the previous Moon Cycle, or for the whole of the lunar year, and even previous years. ⁠

🌘❄️The Frost Moon arrives just after the clocks change and bring us longer darker evenings, as we head towards true winter time. Nature is moving towards her rest ~ it is time for us to do the same, if we are wise...⁠

🌘❄️But first, take a look at your accomplishments, no matter how small you believe them to be ~ honour them and yourself...⁠

🌘❄️And remember in the endings of things, lie their beginnings... just as in their beginnings lie their endings....⁠


This Moon grows to fullness on 19th November. Unusually both New and Full Moon are in Scorpio/Snake, heightening and magnifying the energies, just before tipping into which the more adventurous, lighter spirit of Sagittarius/Owl.

If it feels like a really tough month, just keep on holding in there ~ it will change! And something wonderful may well be there just beyond the horizon...⁠


To aid you in this process of letting go and transformation, I am offering my Transformation Tranquillity Meditation. This is the third in my Tranquillity Series, and some of you may already be familiar with its themes.


The intention behind this Meditation is to encourage you to let go as lightly as the trees do in autumn, preparing for the new 🍁🍂. These leaves then become the fertiliser nourishing the regeneration of new seeds 🌱, ideas, hopes and plans. It contains a gentle reminder that change itself is the essence of life, cyclic by nature.


Each Recipient has their own dedicated Rose Quartz Heart (the Crystal of loving mother energy and gentle emotional release), through whom the New Moon Healing is delivered.

  1. Zoom Option

    I appear on screen at the beginning simply to say hello and say a little about working with Moon Energy and, specifically, with the energy of the The Grandmother Moon energies of the month. I will then invite you to make yourself comfortable to enjoy the tranquil benefits of the Transformation Tranquillity Meditation whilst you receive the gently releasing New Moon Reiki Healing.


Whilst I am not a Zoom “fan”, for now I accept its usefulness in making these beautiful New Moon Healing Circles accessible in a safe manner. In order to keep your experience as personal and private as possible, all cameras and microphones will be kept turned off, and the session will be viewing and listening only.

2. An Alternative to Zoom

I quite understand that many people dislike the Zoom experience. And so, if you wish you may still book your place to receive New Moon Healing, and I will make the Transformation Tranquillity Meditation available for you to download from my website. You may then plan your evening to begin listening to the Meditation soon after 9.00 pm on 11th May, and still be part of the beautiful energy being generated. I will then include you in the New Moon Healing part of the evening.


Places are limited strictly to 10, so if you would like to be sure of a place, please, please do book early! You may not be able to slip in at the last minute this month :-)
Please note that the exchange fee has increased to £33 to more truly reflect the time and energy required to create each Ceremony for you.
The free gift of the Transformation Tranquillity Meditation is offered to all participants.
Whichever way you opt to be part of the Healing Circle, the complete session will last one hour.


Send me an email ( and let me know if you wish to participate with or without the Zoom option. Confirmation of your place is made upon payment of the fee via BACS.

I will then send you:

1. Your Zoom Link (if required)

2. Your Discount Code so that you may download the Transformation Tranquillity Meditation for you to keep with my love, to listen to whenever you choose.

3. Suggestions on how to prepare yourself and your space to make the most of the New Frost/Beaver Moon Healing energies.

I do hope you will be able to join me to celebrate in the transmutative, energising New Frost/Beaver Moon Healing Circle.



Sacred Whale Song Guided Meditation
Majestic Humpback Whale

“Listen to your melody
Teaching you to trust…”

The Sacred Whale Song Guided Meditation has been created by Elizabeth to take you to where Whales sing and Dolphins play.
A relaxing, releasing, replenishing way to inspire you to listen to your inner wisdom, reminding you of the power of trust and playfulness.
You might like to step into the waters of a warm bath, before submerging yourself into this watery underworld…

Download Sacred Whale Song Meditation

Image: Credit Humpback Whales In The Singing Position (original NOAA Photo Library Flickr)

The Sunshine Smile Guided Meditation
Glorious Yellow Rose

“The loving smile is a half a circle activated by the Soul
to generate a response that will complete it and
so create joy and harmony.”
(Where Eagles Fly - Kenneth Meadows)

The Sunshine Smile Guided Meditation has been created to lift your spirits, to encourage you, to help you to relax and to gently energise you – and to make you smile. The intention is to gift you optimism in your daily life and for the future. This sunshiny Meditation enables you to send loving, healing energy to every part of your Being. When you gift a smile to others, they often return the gift and smile back at you. A simple smile can make someone’s day. I hope The Sunshine Smile Guided Meditation will help to make yours… 

Here is the link which will take you to the Honour Guided Meditation Download Page where you can access The Sunshine Smile Meditation (NB: There is no fee):

Whatever shape or size you are, you have an amazing, wonderful, beautiful body - and you only have one. Yet it is easy to take your body for granted, and even to neglect it. It works away for you day after day, ceaselessly ensuring everything works in harmony. We only tend to pay attention to our body when something goes wrong, and it gives us pain or illness to let us know we are out of balance. Isn’t it better to work actively on maintaining health of body, mind and spirit? The Sunshine Smile Meditation has a transforming power which sends loving energy to our body. This encourages a sense of wellbeing, both within and without.

This Meditation focuses on sending the revitalising power of sunlight to your physical self. Paying attention to your body is a way of recognising, respecting, appreciating, esteeming and loving yourself which enhances your whole Being. It is lovely to practice this regularly first thing in the morning and last thing at night. When you get to know it well, you can practice it just about anywhere. It is a good Meditation to keep in mind should you be facing a problematical or challenging situation.

You might even like to try sharing this one with your children to enhance family harmony!


1. Click on the link above

2. Click on The Sunshine Smile Image

3. Add to Cart

4. Go to Cart (in navigation bar)

5. Click Checkout

6. Fill in your email

7. Choose Payment and just add your name and address
(Honour Being never shares details with a third party)

8. Click Review and Purchase (no payment details are asked for or taken)

9. You will receive a confirmation email. 

10. Simply click on the Download and it is yours to enjoy!

How May Golden Way Reiki Help You?
Gold and Purple Crocuses

"I am looking forward to my next course of Reiki and recommend Elizabeth wholeheartedly for her dedication to her work and her calming influence.  Thank you Elizabeth, for everything." (Diane R - Cheltenham)

It's very simple - the way we feel determines the way we think, and so unreleased emotional wounding ultimately leads to physical, emotional and even to mental illness. It can even leave us feeling drained of energy and disconnected from Spirit.

The gift of Golden Way Reiki firstly offers healing for the harms and wounds you may have suffered, brings calm to the mind and spirit, and cleanses you of toxicity, revitalising you. Then it may encourage you, if you choose to evolve and advance further, to receive the honouring ceremonies of Golden Way Reiki Attunements.

The commencement of this Sacred Journey towards Wellbeing, Harmony and Happiness, enables you firstly to Honour you Foundation First (Personal Healing) so you may offer Golden Way Reiki to yourself. If you wish, you can then be further Attuned and Trained to move into full Professional Practice (Honour Sacred Journey), so that you can offer this beautiful healing life-force energy to others.

Golden Butterfly

As I work with Reiki to release and heal emotional experiences on behalf of my clients, I witness amazing things happen in their lives.  Physical pain recedes, anxiety diminishes, energy returns and joy in life.

When our experience changes for the better, so does our view of the world... and for for many this is the beginning of a journey of re-newal, recognition and re-connection to Spirit.

As part of this process, some of my clients re-discover their creativity, some change the direction of their lives and find more rewarding work or a new home, some resolve relationship issues, some come off medication, some conceive the baby they have always wanted or fulfil another dream.

“How does one become a Butterfly”, she asked.

“You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a Caterpillar.”

(Hope for the Flowers)