Honour New Sturgeon Moon Ceremony

Honour New Moon in July 2022



Thursday 28th July 2022 at 9.00 pm (online)

Ushers in a period of gratitude for the bounties of nature.

Step into the flow and appreciate the fruits of all seasons and the unique beauties of the cycles of life.

Join us by stepping into ceremony to honour yourself with an hour of tranquillity and release, creating spaciousness into which you may seed your dreams for the coming month.

The Circle will celebrate both New and Full phases of this Super Moon in fiery Ripening Time of Leo/Salmon.

August’s full Moon was traditionally called the Sturgeon Moon because the giant sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain were most readily caught during this part of summer, harbinger of a time of abundance. Sturgeon is also known as “the stirrer”, so take a look at what may be stirring in the depths!

We have now moved out of the flowing, feeling, harmonising qualities of the watery Long Days Time into the energetic creative Ripening Time of Salmon/Leo. The emphasis of The Ripening Time is on the need to trust one’s feelings and intuitions during the pain of change which may be experienced during the process of maturing. On a positive note, this also heralds a time ideally to take a rest, bask in the lazier sunny days before preparing for the work of harvesting in September.


Perhaps superficially at odds with the usual cooling New Moon Healing Journey Meditations, I am offering the Sunshine Smile Meditation in keeping with the fiery energies influencing this new lunar cycle.

The Clan Mother, Loves All Things, who governs August has a special connection with Father Sun and the warmth of unconditional love. Her medicine is yellow and her cycle represents the truth in loving all things.

Honour New Moon Ceremony Online


Each Recipient has their own dedicated Rose Quartz Heart (the Crystal of loving mother energy and gentle emotional release), through whom the New Moon Healing is delivered. The “team” now consists of 13, one for each of the 13 lunar cycles, so 13 corresponding places are being offered.

1. ZOOM OPTION (All cameras and microphones turned off ~ receiver mode only):

I appear on screen at the beginning simply to say hello and offer a little about working with Moon Energy and, specifically, with the energy of the The Grandmother Moon and Earth Wisdom energies of the month. I will then invite you to make yourself comfortable to enjoy the gentle energising benefits of the Sunshine Smile Meditation whilst you receive the gently releasing New Moon Reiki Healing.

In order to keep your experience as personal and private as possible, all cameras and microphones will be kept turned off, and the session will be viewing and listening only. 


If you prefer, you may book your place to receive New Moon Healing, and I will make the Sunshine Smile Meditation available for you to download from my website.  You may then plan your own private Ceremony and still be part of the beautiful energy being generated. I will include you in the New Moon Healing part of the evening, which will commence at approximately 9.30 pm.


If you are unable to attend at the time of the Ceremony, you can still choose to be included in the New Moon Healing, and I then send you a recorded version of the evening for you to experience at a time which works for you. Several of my “regulars” have chosen this option in the past, and discovered that they still feel the full benefits of the Ceremony.


Places available are limited strictly to 13, so please do book in good time to avoid disappointment.

The free gift of the Sunshine Smile Meditation is offered to all.

The fee for the New Moon Healing Circle is £33.

Whichever way you opt to be part of the Healing Circle, the complete session will last approximately one hour, beginning at 9.00 pm.


Send me an email and let me know how you wish to participate. Confirmation of your place is made upon payment of the fee via BACS.

I will then send you:

1. Your Zoom Link (if required)

2. No Discount Code is required this month as The Sunshine Smile has always been gifted free with my love, to listen to whenever you choose.

3. Suggestions on how to prepare yourself and your space to make the most of the New Sturgeon Moon Healing energies.

I do hope you will be able to join me to celebrate in the abundant energy of the New Moon Healing Circle this month.

Elizabeth 🌑🐟xx