Tranquillity Sacred Meditation 07 ~ Presence (Moon Breath)

Tranquillity Sacred Meditation 07 ~ Presence (Moon Breath)


Let The Presence In Tranquillity Meditation carry you on a journey bringing you into connection with your Inner Being, that eternal part of you with many names, sometimes called Essence, sometimes called Soul.

This Meditation begins by guiding you to flow with the Moon Breath pattern of breathing, bringing you into harmony with the energy fields of both Mother Earth and Grandmother Moon. As this happens, you will move naturally into your own quiet centre, as well as recharging all the energy centres of your being

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Remember, every breath is a moment in time connecting you to what has gone before, to what is now and to what will be. Every breath is new. Every breath contains potential, the power of transformation. Every breath is change made manifest and yet creates continuum. Between each breath is a resting space of tranquillity. This is life. This is presence. This is creation. This is rebirth in action. This is unity and you are part of this unity.

Discovering a place of tranquillity within us is itself a treasure which can alter the nature of our own presence in the world. When we become present, we create space around us, we exist in eternal space.

This is the seventh and final Meditation in the series of Tranquillity Meditations, which have been created to flow each one into the next in a cycle designed to take you on a journey of tranquillity and peace. 

The complete series consists of Opening, Reflection, Transformation, Stillness, Vision, Remembering and Presence. Each Meditation is posted here separately for you to download, and will ultimately be published as a complete downloadable album.

This Meditation is an original creation of Elizabeth Chanter of Honour Being ~ all rights reserved.

Firefly Medicine by Jamie Sams

Time Bubbles (A Poem) ~ 03.05.15 (Elizabeth C)

Wisdom’s Wisdom (A Poem) 04.07.15 (Elizabeth C)

Running Time: 39.10

Image: ID 156323997 © Ifeelstock |

Music: Ethereum-1 (iChill)

© Elizabeth Chanter, Honour Being Reiki  (September 2021)