Tranquillity Sacred Meditation 06 ~ Remembering (Moon Breath)

Tranquillity Sacred Meditation 06 ~ Remembering (Moon Breath)


Let The Remembering In Tranquillity Meditation carry you on a journey to remind you of the sweetness of life, to recollect that you are so much more than you may believe yourself to be, and to trust that everything is unfolding as it needs to be...

This Meditation begins by guiding you to flow with the Moon Breath pattern of breathing, bringing you into harmony with the energy fields of both Mother Earth and Grandmother Moon. As this happens, you will move naturally into your own quiet centre, as well as recharging all the energy centres of your being.

I will then guide you to a place of reconnection to The Knowing Ancestral Self, so you may begin to see things in their “true light”. Digging deep and recollecting the greater truths and realities can help to keep us on course, and to better ride the waves.

This is a deeply grounding Meditation.

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This is the sixth of a series of seven Tranquillity Meditations, which have been created to flow each one into the next in a cycle designed to take you on a journey of tranquillity and peace. 

The complete cycle consists of Opening, Reflection, Transformation, Stillness, Vision, Remembering and Presence. Each Meditation will be posted here separately for you to download as they become available, and will ultimately be published as a complete downloadable album.

This Meditation is an original creation of Elizabeth Chanter of Honour Being


Running Time: 30.52

Dancing In Time (Dancing Below) ~ A Poem: Elizabeth Chanter May 2016)

Credit to Kenneth Meadows for inspiring this Meditation

Image: Pensive Figure (Canva)

Music: Red Horizon (iChill)

© Elizabeth Chanter, Honour Being Reiki(June 2021