Distant Reiki Healing for Exceptional Times

Lovely Lilac Flowers


The more stressed we feel, the greater the effect on our immune systems. Nothing can be guaranteed, as we each have our individual susceptibilities, and we will respond accordingly, however Golden Way Reiki can allay anxiety, bring calm and support your emotional wellbeing during turbulent times, thereby helping you to keep healthy and well physically.

"Distant Healing with Elizabeth is amazing. It felt as I was in her Treatment Room. Following her guidance which she sent beforehand, and allowing the time to receive the Reiki was a wonderful powerful and positive experience, and one I will continue to use.”

(Teresa H, Oxfordshire, May 2020)

It is within my gift as an Advanced Reiki Master to be able to send you Reiki Healing Energy wherever you are. This is a powerful form of healing when in properly trained and experienced hands, and no less effective than when you visit me for treatments. This is especially helpful during these exceptional times, when working “hands on” simply cannot assure safe social distancing. I have successfully sent Cycles of Golden Way Reiki Healing around the world for many years, and have Clients both at home and abroad who have benefitted from this way of working. Because Reiki is “energy healing”, it may be sent to you via intended Distant Healing, as well as delivered to you “hands on”.

When you question the nature of energy, consider for a moment how radio waves reach you, how you take your Wifi connection for granted, how you simply expect light to appear at the click of a switch - and how the planets are held in their position in space… to mention just a few examples of energy you cannot see and yet produce physical effects in the world…

Reflect also upon the way you may sense anger as a disruptive force within someone in the same space as yourself, and the way you sense the light of joy within another - you know you feel different around each person/emotion, even if you cannot quite put your finger on it!

The way to best understand Reiki is to experience it for yourself, as the response is always highly individual…

"It's difficult to put into words the difference that a Cycle of Reiki with Elizabeth has made to my wellbeing, frame of mind and outlook. To be honest, I was not expecting such powerful results...  I am looking forward to my next Cycle of Reiki and recommend Elizabeth wholeheartedly for her dedication to her work and her calming influence.  Thank you Elizabeth, for everything." (Diane R - Cheltenham, 2015)


We usually begin the session with a video Consultation, depending on the best Treatment for you, and I will call you at our pre-arranged time. When you book for your first Treatment, I will send you an email with more detailed instructions.


The sacred space of my Healing Room is always prepared in advance for you individually, just as if you were to step into it physically. It is performed as if you were lying on my healing couch or sitting in the healing room of Honour Being. Following your Consultation, I will invite you to play yourself some gentle “Reiki” music, and to lie down in your own space to receive your Treatment for about an hour whilst I send you Reiki Healing Energy. It is best to ensure you will not be disturbed during this time.


At the completion of this Treatment, I will give you a quick call to check in with how you are feeling. or I may request you to send me an email to disengage and ground your experience. We will then agree the time and date for your next Treatment, and the Cycle will proceed in this manner.


Single Treatments also available and Packages of Distant Reiki Healing can be purchased and offered as gifts
to others as well as for yourself.

I invite you to contact me for a free initial Consultation of 20 minutes so we can chat about how best to work together:

DISCLAIMER: Many people experience Reiki Healing as a means to restore calm, offer comfort and reassurance, replenish and energise them, however no claim is made for it as a failsafe against infection… Please obey government guidelines and consult the NHS website for the most up-to-date information on how to stay safe. To do otherwise will place yourself and others at risk.