Deep Nurture Crystal Reiki ~ Crystal Recharge

Deep Nurture Crystal Reiki ReCharge


(Deepening One)

One: Clearing with Crystal Light
Two: Releasing Obstructions to Healing
Three: Deep Stability
Four: Harmonisation

Each Crystal corresponds to each of your 10 Human Energy Centres. Reiki amplifies the natural healing powers of these ten beautiful Stones and their crystalline energy shines a gentle light to re-charge your Energy Centres. If you choose to receive the full Cycle, they clear, release, stabilise and then harmonise your raised vibration.

(May be uniquely tailored for the profound healing required by birth trauma, miscarriage, termination or fertility issues, and to facilitate a happy and healthy pregnancy for Mum and Baby ~ available to Dad too. See Crystal Compassion Reiki)

Available as Single Introductory Treatment or as a complete rebalancing Cycle.
Fee per Treatment: £130
(2 hour session including consultation)

Crystal Reiki Recharge Calne Wiltshire

“Elizabeth’s depth of knowledge never ceases to both amaze and fascinate me.”
(Shirley Hook-Pattison ~ Bicester, Jan 2022)