Deep Nurture Crystal Reiki ~ Compassion



(For Birth, Trauma, Grief and Loss)

Sometimes, very sadly, things do not turn out the way we would have wished. This can lead to a whole tangle of feelings, including anger, grief, guilt and loss. Trauma takes us out of body, making conception more difficult, even when there are seemingly no physical barriers.

I have developed my Crystal Compassion Reiki Treatments to gently enable you to heal and to come back into yourself.

I offer a very special series of Stone, Crystal & Gem Reiki Treatments to gently and compassionately assist you to move through the process of grieving and to find resolution and peace. These Treatments are also very helpful for when you have passed through birth trauma yourself.

Soul Retrieval is offered optionally to recall to you fragments of your own being which may have been lost to you during trauma, and to deeply release ties which bind you to unhappiness.

Sometimes the soul of a lost baby needs help to be released back into the other world, before they can be ready for rebirth into this one.

These Treatments are not only for Mums - Dads can be deeply affected too.


"Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion."
(The Buddha)

COMPASSION ONE: Harmony Restoration - Deepening One
(3 x Reiki Stone Treatments)

COMPASSION TWO (Protection One): Deep Nurture - Deepening Two
(4 x Crystal Shield Reiki Treatments)

COMPASSION THREE (Protection Two): Deep Nurture ~ Deepening Three
(3 x Crystal Spirit Shield Treatments)

COMPASSION FOUR (Embodiment One): Deep Nurture - Deepening Four
(4 x Crystal Path Shield Treatments)

COMPASSION FIVE: (Embodiment Two): Deep Nurture - Deepening Five
(3 x Crystal Path Spirit Shield Treatments)