Revitalise Your Energy ~ Recover Your Glow!

Yellow Reiki Rose, Devizes, UK

Are you are suffering with long Covid, or post-viral fatigue?

Sometimes honouring yourself in a manner that is kind and nourishing isn’t enough. Sometimes life takes its toll on us in ways we do not seem to be able to counteract no matter how we try.

The chronic effects of long Covid is an example of what I call “viral loading", especially when it triggers underlying health conditions. Sadly, I am seeing this in many of the people I am meeting now. I am witnessing people I met a few months ago as bright, shiny beings with go for it positive attitudes and bouncy energies finding themselves exhausted, drained and jaded in post-Covid fatigue or with repeated infections.

This saddens me. I have a history of chronic fatigue, and know how it feels to lose motivation, suffer with mind fog, feel heavy and lacking energy, with pains and weakness in the body. I know what it’s like when even holding a conversation can feel too much. Even the things I usually loved failed to bring me joy.

“I recently had the Angel Fire Treatments, which provided a positive cleansing of 2021 covid and its lockdown effects.”
(Peter Brown ~ Cheltenham, January 2022)

Part of my recovery was about learning to pace myself, to nurture myself with a healthy diet and excerise, and to create rhythms and patterns in my life which suited me. And an essential part of that recovery was assisted by Reiki Treatments to release and counteract the effects of the virus which leads to chronic fatigue.

Below are details of a gently supportive plan which has the potential to help you get back on the road to health and vitality ~ in other words to help you “Revitalise Your Energy ~ Recover Your Glow”!


The first Treatment is offered as a “trial” standalone Introductory Treatment, before a commitment to the full package. On committing to the package, the fee for the first Treatment (£110) will be set against the overall cost of six Treatments.


STEP 1: REPLENISH (Preparation to Support & Strengthen)

One: Illuminates the issues
Two: Releases obstructions to healing
Three: Stabilise & integrate your new condition.

Three Reiki Treatments to bring calm, release and stability.

Each Treatment: £110 (inc consultation)
(3 x 2 hour sessions)

Reiki to Revitalise in Calne, Wiltshire

STEP 2: REVITALISE (Immunity Clearing and Support)

One: Journey to Hope
Illuminate the pattern and clear confusion 
Two: Journey to Rebirth
Release the pattern and be supported through change
Three: Journey to Protection
Discover a new way forward with stability

Three Reiki Treatments to encourage new hope, heart and health.

Each Treatment: £130 (inc consultation)
(3 x 2 hour sessions)

Completion of the full delivery of all six Treatments takes place over two to three months. If you would like to benefit from “Revitalise Your Energy ~ Recover Your Glow”, then please contact me to find out more and discuss the payment plan options.

“I have so much more energy since my treatment…”
(Maggie R - Wiltshire, May 2022)

~ 01249 81601 ~