What Are Shamanism And Shamanic Reiki?

Shamanic Reiki In Wiltshire, UK

In very simple terms, the Shamanic view of the world recognises that Universal Life Force Energy (Reiki) flows through everything ~ you and me, trees, plants, all creature beings, crystals, gems and stones ~ through Mother Earth beneath our feet, and Father Sky above.

In other words, everything has life and intelligence.

It also recognises that everything in the natural world offers what is called Medicine.

A few examples:

The Medicine of Dog is Loyalty

The Medicine of Swan is Grace

The Medicine of Butterfly is Transformation

The Medicine of Oak is Strength

The Medicine of the White Pine is Peace

The Medicine of Walnut is flowing with change

The Medicine of Willow is Love.

The Medicine of Rose is of the awakening and empowering Feminine.

The Medicine of Rose Quartz Crystal is emotional release and mother love.

Healing herbs are obvious examples of Medicines of many kinds, as is the power of Homeopathy.

There are different Shamanic practices across the world, coloured by the cultures in which they have their roots. Different Shamanic practices have different applications, but they hold the same truths at their hearts, and they all meet at the centre which is Love.

The Reiki Masters in The Golden Reiki Way are safely attuned and trained in different Shamanic Earth Wisdoms, which enables them to imbue the Reiki they offer with a variety of forms of Medicine. They are also able to call upon Beings from different dimensions dependent upon the need of their Clients.

Shamanic Reiki Healing

“Elizabeth has empowered me to make the changes I needed in order to heal, and I will always be grateful to her.”
(RC, Journeyman in The Golden Reiki Way ~ Embrun, Ontario, 2014)