(In Collaboration with Wildling Studio)
Thursday, 26th October 2023 at 7.00 pm
Traditionally and tribally, women have come together at the times of both the New and Full Moons to honour and celebrate Grandmother Moon, Mother Earth and themselves as beings of the creative feminine principle of life.
Join us by stepping into Ceremony to honour yourself with a time of tranquillity and release, creating spaciousness in which you may reflect upon and adapt the dreams you have seeded for this lunar cycle. Reflect on the challenges, learnings and gifts offered by The Frost Time of this year.
Elizabeth of Honour Being Reiki, will interweave ancient wisdoms, breathwork, meditation and Ceremony.
This Full Seed Moon falls in the Earthwalk of Snake (Sun Sign Scorpio). This is a “twilight” time of the year when we gather the seeds of our experience. It is associated with transmutation, regeneration, the gathering of maturity, and the mysteries of life and death.
This is the second lunar cycle of the transitioning season of Autumn, encompassing Samhain when the veils are gossamer thin and we honour those we love who have passed through.
This lunar cycle is informed by The Tenth Clan Mother, Weaves The Web, who represents the creative principle in all things. Her Cycle of Truth is “Working with the Truth”.
The Full Moon Ceremony will be supported by Ivy, the Sacred Druidic Plant of October. Ivy is known as Gort (G) in the Ogham Tree Alphabet, and offers its gifts of tenacity and determination. It encourages us to embrace many ways rather than being bound by one single, potentially constricting way.
“Time to learn to destroy the limitations of our lives and to create anew...”
A brand new Meditation created to embrace the theme of letting go of anything which creates sadness or grief, perfect for this Moon Cycle which encompasses Samhain.
A Grief Window is a place of vulnerability from which we can grow, evolve and transform, It opens up when we are ready to release the grief tenderly and softly, creating space for more love…
~ Welcome, Opening and Theme: Honouring The Maturity of Experience
~ Brief teachings on the Earth Energies of this Lunar Cycle
~ The Moon Breath Meditation
Guides you to flow with a pattern of breathing to bring you into harmony with the energy fields of both Mother Earth and Grandmother Moon, moving you naturally to your own quiet centre.
~ Release, Celebration & Gratitude
~ Breath Of Life Healing Journey Meditation
~ Closing Circle
All bookings taken via Wildling Studio
I do hope you will be able to join myself and Sarah at The Full Moon Meditation Ceremony to honour yourself in the regenerative energies of The Full Seed Moon.
With love,
Elizabeth 🌚🌱 xx