Honour Being Reiki

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The Bigger Picture


"Distant Healing with Elizabeth is amazing. It felt as I was in her Treatment Room. Following her guidance which she sent beforehand, and allowing the time to receive the Reiki was a wonderful powerful and positive experience, and one I will continue to use.” (Teresa H, Oxfordshire, May 2020)

Loss and grief are affecting so many of us at this time, whether for a loved one, loss of income and a business, loss of a home, loss of relationship, loss of a sense of certainty and purpose, and loss of belief in a better way. During this time, I have lost my home, my companion and seen my business decimated. Golden Way Reiki has been my mainstay for many years. Knowing loss personally, how devastating it can feel, I would like to help where I can. Reiki has been my source of healing, insight, courage, strength and integrity for many years. It is not a magic wand, but a way of helping me to develop my gifts, to explore my inner world, and to grow into a better, kinder, more compassionate and more patient person. It helps me to keep in touch with the bigger picture of who I am and what I came here to do, and reminds me that life is a journey of self-discovery. Life with all its challenges and griefs is teaching me constantly to grow, and that life is a mixed bag of joy and sadness, blessings and hardships. We may not be able to choose our circumstances, but we can choose how we respond - and in choosing how we respond, we have the ability to change our circumstances.

Beginning to understand there is a much bigger picture, can help us to move through this time with fortitude and hope. It is important to realise that the human race is on an exponential learning curve which ultimately can take those who are willing and receptive forward on an evolutionary path to living in harmony with the Earth as we were intended. The Medicine of Bat is the medicine of death and re-birth - this is the process the human race is moving through. We are not at the end of this process. We are at the beginning. It is essential that we understand the lessons we are being offered, and embrace them as opportunity to grow. The more of us who awaken to the reality of this, who move forward co-operatively and lovingly, the more likely we are to evolve into beings who live in unity, equality and harmony with each other and all around us.

How can Distant Reiki Healing offer help?

It is my experience, that Golden Way Reiki can powerfully help to heal broken lives and release loss, to understand the changes we personally need to go through, to find acceptance and peace, and to have belief restored in a better way. It can aid us in coming to terms with the way that ultimately we sometimes have to go through loss in order to discover something of more value... Individual bereavement and the fear engendered by Corvid-19 are compounded because this is a worldwide experience, a pool of energy in which we are all existing right now. This affects us all, consciously and unconsciously, whether we are directly involved or watching from the sidelines. Reiki is pure, loving energy, and we are energetic beings. All is energy. Negative energy can spiral you down into darkness and fear. Positive energy can lift you up into the light and heal you. For this reason, Reiki healing can be just as effective and powerful when sent remotely as when we work together face to face.

It is within my gift as a Shamanic Golden way Reiki Master Practitioner, Healer & Teacher to be able to to work with you remotely, sometimes called distantly. I can send packages of Golden Way Reiki Healing and individual healing Treatments to you in this way. I have successfully sent Cycles of Golden Way Reiki Healing around the world for many years, and have Clients both at home and abroad who have benefitted from this way of working.

If you believe there is a way in which we can work together, then please get in touch via email on elizabeth@honourbeingreiki.co.uk. I am offering my services according to your means and for donation at this time.

“I’d been so thankful for the deep healing & shifts in wellbeing I’d experienced after in-person Cycles of Golden Way Reiki treatments, plus training too, that I was delighted when I booked in for Distance treatments & found them to work just as well as the in-person Cycles I’d had… I’ve now received several Cycles of Distance Reiki treatments, over a period of a few years, and found each of them to work very effectively. Speaking to Elizabeth beforehand feels wonderfully calming & safe ... and experiencing both the subtle & obvious personal benefits from Golden Way Reiki treatments is something you have to experience for yourself.…”
(Rachel C, Golden Way Reiki Practitioner - Canada, May 2020)